Chalk another tally on the “both parties only care about themselves” tally sheet.
Crackhead son committing gun crimes in his 40s?
He’s just a kid!
Random kid with a little weed tho? That’s a “super predator”.
Never forget while the Clintons took credit, Biden wrote the Crime Bill back in the 90s that fucked a lot of stuff up. And I’ll eat at least two hats if he actually deregulates cannabis on his wa out, he doesn’t give a fuck about regular people.
Chalk another tally on the “both parties only care about themselves” tally sheet.
Crackhead son committing gun crimes in his 40s?
He’s just a kid!
Random kid with a little weed tho? That’s a “super predator”.
Never forget while the Clintons took credit, Biden wrote the Crime Bill back in the 90s that fucked a lot of stuff up. And I’ll eat at least two hats if he actually deregulates cannabis on his wa out, he doesn’t give a fuck about regular people.