• @Buffalox
    33 months ago

    Sadly this is all true. Which is why most parents want their kids to take an education in something they can safely fall back on. Then others say that’s setting yourselves up for failure.
    Obviously it’s also an extra hurdle, and not all even have that option.

    When Mitt Romney was running for president, and he was recorded saying that the poor felt entitled, I got absolutely fucking furious. The ones that feel entitled are the rich, they think they DESERVE to have more than a factory worker working 2 jobs to get buy. They think they DESERVE to have the best medical treatments, the best education, the best houses and everything else.
    I’m not a communist, but we seriously need to have fortunes taxed, and the higher the fortune the higher the tax. And TAX shelters must not be allowed. If you live in a TAX shelter, it should mean no access to the rest of the world.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      -33 months ago

      Well…yes and no. I agree with the overall message you’re trying to convay, but will come back on the small details.

      The rich feel that they should be entitled to the best healthcare, education, housing, ect. And I think they do. However I also think that’s true of the poor as well.

      Not only should we all be deserving of the best life, we should also be increasing what that that means. Improving what the best is, and yhen THAT then becomes what we all get.

      If a rich person gets cancer, or breaks their leg, or whatever. I feel like saying they DON’T deserve the best health care is obscene. Not because they’re rich, but because they’re human.

      Same with education.

      Housing it’s a bit more broad strokes, as “best” in this catagory is a little less defined. There’s a youtube video by ryan george where he looks at rich people houses, and mocks some of the homes features. Some of these houses have things for the sole purpose of wasting money. Like a 19 foot golden statue of a man throwing balls in the air, with a matching water fountain, so the water being sprayed up looks like it’s part of the force he’s throwing the balls.

      That’s just money spent for the sake of spending money.

      • @Buffalox
        3 months ago

        You are making an extreme and false equivalence.
        The difference is that the rich is getting it at the cost of others.
        The rich feel entitled to have privileges way above what others have.
        Ordinary people just want to be treated fairly and humanely.

      • @Clent
        13 months ago

        This is a straw man. No one said poor people should have better healthcare than rich people.