oldie meme but needed to bring this back due to recent incidents 😭

  • @JayDee
    142 days ago

    TBF, I understand this annoying kind of ‘reading into it’. at the same time, if someone starts dropping dogwhistles or starts dancing around something in a convo, i am definitely gonna read into that shit.

    • dustycups
      123 hours ago

      I hate the way Nazis etc have appropriated to many phrases/actions as dog whistles.
      I don’t want to offend anyone & I certainly don’t support intolerence but sometimes it’s just too much to keep up with.
      If someone politely points out my mistake they are helping, if they attack me for an honest mistake they are not.

      Am I right or:

    • @Entropywins
      72 days ago

      If you don’t like waffles just say it…