• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    You think children with LGBTQ+ parents should be forbidden to discuss their families in class? You think transgender teenagers should be forced to tell their parents even if it opens them up to abuse and homelessness? What good does this do, and for whom?

    • FuglyDuck
      482 months ago

      it isolates the child and only helps the abusers to be abusive.

    • OBG
      -472 months ago

      Removed by mod

      • @[email protected]
        312 months ago

        kids should not lie to their parents

        Said by someone whose parents aren’t abusive I presume.

        Yeah no, welcome to the real world, there’s tons of fucked up parents out there that kids need to be protected from

        • Flying Squid
          102 months ago

          Said by someone who was never a human teenager.

          Everyone has lied to their parents. That’s just an unrealistic view of the world.

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          Or said by someone who is the abusive parent. The fact that they see nothing wrong with this law makes them sus.

      • @[email protected]
        242 months ago

        Kids talk about their parents in school all the time. Teachers and counselors are trained to look for signs of abuse and work hand in hand with CPS. My mom was a middle school guidance counselor and did house calls all the time with CPS as well as helping kids get appointments with psychologists.

        The largest population of homeless kids is LGBT kids thrown out of their homes. I have a friend who had his ribs broken at the age of 6 when his father threw him down a staircase. These are the kinds of people you are saying schools should be forced to out LGBT kids to. If kids aren’t out to their parents, not only is there probably a reason, but outing them is also a violation of their privacy and consent.

        Tell me you don’t remember being a teenager without telling me you don’t remember. If you think kids shouldn’t lie to their parents, maybe you shouldn’t have yourself. Whether it was about smoking or drinking or just sneaking out to hang out with friends, I bet you lied all the time - everybody does. Now imagine if you had to hide something from the world for your own safety, and the government just said that if a teacher happens to hear that you have a boyfriend, they have to report that to your parents.

        Also, you must be downing the Flavor-Aid if you think trans people are that easy to spot 100% of the time.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        I have a transgender child, now adult, who told no one in the family until after high school because they didn’t know what was going on. It became increasingly clear to them and to us through their teens that something was amiss, but only came into clear focus for them relatively late. That sent them into a depression where they didn’t feel they could talk to anyone, including us. Only after a couple of crises, some therapy and treatment for the depression did they start taking steps to embrace their transition with the full support of their family. Even though they never faced any judgement from us, and have a lot of loving support, telling us was still difficult and scary for them. I can’t imagine how much harder it would be to go through all this with a judgemental or hostile family.

        So I guess you think this is “completely ridiculous” and I don’t know what I’m talking about, but there is a lot teens don’t tell even the most sympathetic parents, and not necessarily because of a lack of trust but because some things need space to work through. I just get the impression you don’t have a lot of experience of parenting teenagers or, if you do, you don’t realize there’s a lot you don’t know, and that this is quite normal.

        • @[email protected]
          92 months ago

          And I bet if being transgender was discussed in school, your kid could have figured out how to explain what was going on a lot faster and saved everyone a lot of pain.

          This self discovery is what this bill is trying to stop. Cruelty is the point.

        • OBG
          -102 months ago

          Removed by mod

          • poo
            126 days ago

            You’re the one with severe mental issues. Get help. Be better.

      • @Lime66
        152 months ago

        Would you rather children lie to their parents, or would you rather have those children be assaulted, abused, and potentially driven to suicide by those parents? Take your pick.

        • OBG
          -272 months ago

          Fear mongering.

          • @Dkarma
            122 months ago

            It’s called reality. Conservatives are hateful.

            • OBG
              -312 months ago

              Bullshit, conservatives are realistic, and the majority in the USA based on the popular vote, house, senate, and Presidency. The people spoke, and they told liberals to shut the fuck up already. Read the room.

      • Miles O'Brien
        312 months ago

        “no you don’t understand! People need to suffer because muh big gubment!”


      • chingadera
        2 months ago

        LMFAO You wouldn’t know what irony was if it ate your face.

        ITs RaElLy ImPoRtAnt tHaT I InVolvE tHe StaTE wItH mY ChIldS SeXualITy So ThE StaTE iS lEsS InVolVeD wITH mY ChILD

        How could you possibly still believe this with it staring you right in the face and telling you what it truly is? You people are gullible fuckin turds.

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        They’re people, not property. If you’re afraid of your kid growing up to be anybody other than who you think they should be, then you’re a worthless coward.

          • Flying Squid
            2 months ago

            That’s literally how being a parent has worked in a lot of people’s childhoods. How are you not aware of that? People are regularly imprisoned for literally beating children to death. Plenty of others just have the children taken away from them due to the physical abuse. Why do you think protective services for children exist in the first place?

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        Cool. I bet you support abortion rights too? It’s not the government’s place to tell someone what to do with their body, right?

      • @Dkarma
        32 months ago

        That’s not at all what this is about.
