They found more pipe bombs in a bedroom inside Mr. Spafford’s house, loosely stuffed in a backpack that bore a patch shaped like a hand grenade and a logo reading “#NoLivesMatter,” prosecutors said.

No Lives Matter is a nihilistic, far-right ideology that largely exists on encrypted online messaging apps like Telegram

  • @[email protected]
    272 months ago

    I wonder what the holdup was, taking over a year to move on information, and then only on the pretense of a sawed-off shotgun as a reason. It seems really, REALLY cautious.

    I wonder if neighbor was being pressed to “infiltrate” the circle. Something’s really off here.

    • @[email protected]
      192 months ago

      The way the guy talked, he seemed to imply he knew about a lot of other people involved in that movement. Perhaps the FBI was just really making sure all of their i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed so nothing goes wrong with bringing him in and getting him to divulge a lot of information. Or… the guy has already blown off half of a hand making his explosives. Maybe the FBI was waiting in the hopes he’d blow the rest of himself to kingdom come and they wouldn’t have to deal with him lol.

    • @foggy
      152 months ago

      My guess is legality of methods obtaining info.

      I can have “on good authority” that you’re doing XYZ, but that doesn’t mean I can go snooping in your private shit. I need probable cause.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          Correct, but they still have to convince a judge to issue that secret warrant.

          The judge would require probable cause, which doesn’t have to be slam dunk evidence, but it does still have to be obtained legally.

          OP was saying that the FBI could easily wiretap, but in order to make the evidence legally permitted in court, they’d still need probable cause to get the secret warrant that would allow them to do the wiretap.

          It’s sort of a loop-hole-in-a-loop-hole with the courts.

          Usually the FBI just has to use the non-legal wiretap to point them to a good source of probable cause. Then they issue that to the judge, get their secret warrant, then make the non-legal wiretap legal.

    • @Boddhisatva
      142 months ago

      I imagine that the hold up was trying to find out who his friends are and what they were preparing for.

      The neighbor reported that Mr. Spafford had told him that he and his friends were “preparing for something” that he “would not be able to do alone,” the court papers said.

      My suspicion is that he and his friends were planning on taking out Harris (and maybe others) if she won the election. Since Trump won, they are moving now before he and his friends can dispose of evidence.

    • @finitebanjo
      12 months ago

      He and nobody who lived with him had any outstanding warrants, otherwise they probably would have sent in the national guard and we’d be seeing Tankies defend him on the front page tomorrow.