• @Lost_My_Mind
    512 months ago

    Ok…see this??? See this shit??? Let’s recap. Connor Gaydos, the “birds aren’t real” guy, bought the name “Enron” in order to use it for a company that deals in cryptocurriencies. You know. That thing that was hot for a bit until it became obvious they were all scams.

    And now this is happening.

    This sequence of events, is so long in the making you’d have to back to the days of Elian Gonzalas being held at gunpoint in a Miami closet, to cover the whole debacle.

    And with all this in your face absurdism, with this much history of being untrustworthy and corrupt, we live on a planet where people thought “Yeah. Yeah this is what I want. Thismay as well happen.”

    Do you see why I say I’m surrounded by morons? I live on the same planet that these events transpired. Even The Onion is like “GOD DAMNIT!!! STOP STEALING OUR ROUTINE!!!” as they scream angerly into general society.