• @Doomsider
    1 day ago

    That is some serious reimagining of our constitution. It is definitely an opinion backed up by conservative judges bought off by the gun industry.

    The fact is we have lost over one million Americans in the last twenty years to gun violence. A million fucking Americans. That is almost twenty Vietnams worth of death.

    We currently lose over one thousand children in the US every year to guns. You know how many children died from guns in Japan? Zero this year and the previous, and the previous ad nauseam.

    We got a serious problem and moar guns is not going to solve it. So pardon me passing on the defense fantasies.

    • @SoftTeeth
      112 hours ago

      Yeah fuck those gun owners.

      You, as a good person, will bend the knee and report to your concentration camp like a well trained animal when the time comes.

      • @Doomsider
        19 hours ago

        I am sure the million people dead from gun violence appreciate your rhetoric.

        Funny thing is a thousand children don’t need to die every year. But let’s not kid ourselves, you would be fine with ten million people dead as long as you have your toys.

        • @SoftTeeth
          14 hours ago

          Yeah you would go quietly

    • @surewhynotlem
      119 hours ago

      If the judges support that opinion, then that’s not a reimagining, that’s the proper interpretation.

      You can talk all day about intent, but a law IS how it’s applied, not how it was meant to be applied.

      • @Doomsider
        116 hours ago

        The reimagining is so bad that conservative justices have started demanding that the law schools start teaching their garbage theories.

        The problem is of course they have no actual legal theory because their whole movement was invented by the Federalist Society.


        They are essentially activist conservative judges trying to rewrite our laws in their bizarre reimagining of history.

    • @Quadhammer
      71 day ago

      That is some serious reimagining of our constitution

      Nah. GW and co. knew the only way to stop your oppressor was to clapback.

      If you want to talk about ways to minimize violence that doesnt involve disarming the populace im all ears though.

      • @Doomsider
        1 day ago

        Well it is hard to take someone seriously when they can dismiss a million people dead. Especially so when they are talking about clapbacking. It is clear you probably suffer from a serious case of defense fantasy syndrome.

        Having said that, sure. We could mitigate the amount of people that needlessly die through numerous options.

        For instance a cultural change of people not wanting guns because let’s say they see the horror in a thousand children dying every year.

        While this kind of cultural change may seem ridiculous to you it is entirely possible. Perhaps in your gun fantasy mind you could dream up another cultural change.

        I can actually do it for you since I used to drink the guns are coolaid. Imagine a cultural change were everyone decides to be super responsible with guns and gun ownership is 100%. This of course instantly solves all the problems we have.

        The problem with a cultural change is it has to be organic otherwise it is just imposed tryanny. Which is of course what every gunsexual seems to get all wet about. I don’t see our major media outlets going along with this either. Let’s face it, we got a serious addiction to guns supported by big business and shitty politicians.

        We could regulate this problem pretty effectively. There is a ton of common sense, if there is such a thing, regulations that could reduce gun deaths. National regulation would also be helpful to stop the patchwork of states differing rules and laws.

        We could also stop cock blocking all the research on gun safety like we have had for the last two decades. That would probably help reveal what the real risk factors are and help mitigate them.

        Technology could also be leveraged here. I know the idea of a smart gun is extremely distasteful to most gun nutters, but it could work really well. This would also probably be embraced by gun manufacturers after they threw their hissy fits and cry over lost profits from selling cheap tools for exorbitant prices.

        I am sure they would eventually embrace the IGun by Apple secured with facial recognition. Anyways, I doubt you are really serious about this so I probably should stop, cheers!

        • @[email protected]
          120 hours ago

          Nothing you’re saying matters. American overall love guns. Many of them worship guns like a religion, even when kids a dying as a result. Those who disagree are in the minority have no power to change that. The only choice queer people have is whether to be armed, or not. Their choice is easy to understand.

          • @Doomsider
            -319 hours ago

            No choice but to join the cult of death eh? Sounds pretty dystopian. Thanks for stating the obvious although I respectfully disagree with your conclusion.

            • @[email protected]
              119 hours ago

              If there is a high probability of someone coming to your door to do you and your family harm, and they will likely be armed, it is logical to also be armed in order to protect yourself. Joining a death cult would be just passively accepting that you’re to get lynched and doing nothing.

              • @Doomsider
                13 hours ago

                Once again we have this strange defense fantasy syndrome. Joining the death cult means you support the proliferation of guns which have cost us over a million lives so far in the last twenty years.

                It is clear people don’t really care about human life who suckle on the teat of the gunsexual movement.

                Their is no real logic here only pure propaganda and indoctrination into a cult that sacrifices a thousand children every year on their altar of lies and deceit.