    285 hours ago

    Yeah, I actually just read that one a few minutes ago. And man, I’m incredibly torn on this whole thing.

    On one side - good it makes that person happy. On the other side - being entirely reliant on a commercialized, sycophant AI that could be used for manipulation, investing large amounts of money in it…

    I’ve had LDRs before - one could argue it’s similar there, just “text on a screen”, or calls via digital audio. However I always knew there was a human behind those texts and the voice I heard was real, a person with a personality, experiences, strengths and flaws. The feelings they have are real, or at least one can hope they are assuming one isn’t with a manipulative POS (that’s not an issue exclusive to LDRs, though).

    Here you chat with text generated by a company, accuracy having been wildly clowned upon already and I’m sure we’re all ware of this here. Of course the LLM is going to always agree, why would the product of the company actively try to drive away their customers?

    Adding the fact that all the personal information will obviously be harvested, used for training the LLM and other stuff… Detailed information about the daily life is provided to the “AI boyfriend”, allowing detailed recreation of everyday life.


    • @CosmoNova
      104 hours ago

      It may look innocent until the Chatbot nags you about buying that very cool new product they’ve heard so much praise about. This is very dangerous and needs tons of regulations.

    • @NineMileTower
      205 hours ago

      I don’t see it as good at all. It’s not a person and in my opinion it’s unhealthy to romantically love something that isn’t human.

      It might feel good, but it’s likely not healthy.

      • ANNOFlo
        54 hours ago

        I agree, I don’t think it’s likely going to be helpful to mental health in the long run either, based on my totally unprofessional opinion.

        I’ve argued with a friend about it who isn’t a tech-person at all. She just says “yeah, it’s her problem” and doesn’t seem to grasp that my issue is not with her doing it as an individual - instead with the fact that it’s possible and the greater societal ramifications it is likely to have.

        I’ll make an AI boyfriend, too, and talk to him about it, that’ll show society!

      • @GaMEChld
        24 hours ago

        Probably futile to discuss the health or ethics of it without first figuring out if people in the discussion share similar beliefs on what the meaning/purpose of life is.

        Cuz if you’re talking to a nihilist who thinks it’s all shadows and dust at the end of the day, you’ll get a very different discussion that someone who thinks family and procreation are the point of life.