Would it matter which enterprise or star destroyer was used?

  • @SirSamuel
    35 hours ago

    But hyperspace routes haven’t been mapped in the Star Trek universe, which levels the field quite a bit.

    Also the Empire doesn’t have transporter tech, nor the ability to block it. Really the only thing stopping a Galaxy class starship from absolutely shellacking an ISD or even a SSD is the restraint of the captain in command.

    Unless Thrawn has time to listen to Mozart, or the Force shows Darth Vader what and where the warp core is, the Empire will not win

    • @[email protected]
      24 hours ago

      Well fuck. Since when are the lanes literal lanes? (Like actual human year.)

      I am not convinced Star Wars shields can’t block teleporters, if only by accident.

      Anyway, thank you for the lore update.

      • @SirSamuel
        34 hours ago

        Honestly it entirely depends on which universe the other winds up in. If the Enterprise popped into the Star Wars Galaxy they’d probably be screwed by the wonky laws of physics in what is essentially space fantasy land.

        It’d be like a fully kitted marine dropping into the Forgotten Realms. Sure they could mow down a few guards, but pretty soon someone with 3/4 cover and spell sniper will cast fireball and poof, no more marine.