• dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
    441 month ago

    Read that on the internet, did you?

    I believe I am, for all intents and purposes, the actual originator of that trick (in terms of publishing it on the internet, anyway). You have no idea how much it warms the cockles of my twisted little black heart to see that someone else posted this before I was able to.

    • @[email protected]
      131 month ago

      Does it actually work, or is it one of the hundreds of internet tricks that keep getting reposted because they sound like they would?

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
        361 month ago

        It does, if performed correctly. You can tell by giving the stem a listen. The escaping air will be quite audible.

        So our independent lab testing on our own private vehicles in controlled conditions reports, anyway. My lawyers told me to add that last part.

      • Almrond
        11 month ago

        I have the best results using BBs. Metal BBs, not airsoft pellets.

      • @SchmidtGenetics
        1 month ago

        Yeah except for all you’ll do is give them a blowout on the highway putting other innocent peoples lives at risk.

        This is an absolutely retarded way to vandalize someone’s property.

        • @[email protected]
          151 month ago

          It’ll take a couple minutes for the tire to be completely flat. If they drive past that, they’re not making it to the highway. If you’re doing it on a car that’ll drive away within minutes, there’s likely an agent nearby and you’ve got bigger problems.

          • @SchmidtGenetics
            -81 month ago

            It can take hours or days for a slow leak to become noticeable.

            Where do you get the notion a tire would be flat on minutes from a valve stem leak lmfao?

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              We’re not talking about a slow leak, were talking about putting a pebble (or lentil) into the valve cap and screwing it on. That pushes down on the valve, opening it up. I’ve personally witnessed that at a protest, being done to some idiot who was honking and insulting people walking by. A group of people walked up to his car and did exactly that, by the time police where interviewing him a few minutes later his tyres where noticably starting to flatten.

              Here’s a video demonstrating the process: https://youtube.com/watch?v=K0fq_kJHIWw

              • @SchmidtGenetics
                1 month ago

                What you’re saying produces a slow leak.

                Why lie that it deflates in minutes? Go do it to your tire, a pebble that fits in, can only produce a slow leak. Now removing the entire valve stem core and removing the cap, that’ll deflate it in about 10-15 minutes. That’s still vastly longer than the claimed “minutes”.

                Post a video, prove it dude. So removing the core and cap takes over 10 minutes, but somehow magically a pebble reduces that to minutes? Prove it dude, your anecdotal evidence is clearly a made up lie.

                • @MrMcGasion
                  41 month ago

                  I’ll admit I’ve mostly been mindlessly scrolling this thread to this point, so I’m not 100% sure what others have said, but removing the valve stem core will deflate a tire in seconds. You might want to unscrew slowly, to avoid the core launching across the parking lot as the air pressure behind it will likely send it flying, but once it’s removed a tire should be completely flat in 15 seconds or less.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 month ago

                  Are 10 minutes not minutes to you? Should I’ve said 1/6 of an hour?

                  I posted a video already of the process, you can hear loud, audible hissing. This is not a slow leak. Here is another one:


                  And here is a blog post talking about doing this as a prank, claiming it takes about 2 minutes of time. It’s the same process as letting air out using a screwdriver to push down the valve pin.

                  Are you claiming that takes hours, too?

                  I’ve not done this, nor do I intend to, but your claim that someone is going to come to their car, not notice the tyres are and have been loudly hissing for hours, drive away and crash on a highway are, quite frankly, ridiculous.

                  • @SchmidtGenetics
                    1 month ago

                    Your video doesn’t show a tire deflating in either case…


                    This video says over night and shows it’s a slow leak. So now we both have video with claims that contradict each other… huh, if it takes minutes, why can’t you provide a video showing this…? Yet mine shows without a doubt, it’s a slow leak. Can you prove otherwise……?

                    Why the hell do you continue to lie and post shit that doesn’t remotely prove your point lmfao. Nothing you’ve provided as source supports anything you’ve said.

                    As you’ve said you haven’t done this, if you actually have, you would know it doesn’t take a few fucking minutes like you’ve claimed and provided 2 sources that doesn’t corroborate… you got any concrete proof? Or are you gonna show again how you aren’t the sharpest crayon in the package…?

                    Two sources and neither show a tire deflating on minutes, you seriously still want to claim the same asinine thing while providing nothing to back it up?

        • @meathorse
          31 month ago

          The air is like a flock of sheep - as soon as one finds a way out, they all immediately rush out too.

          Even a tiny nick on the stem, the tyre would be flat before they’ve fastened their seatbelts.

            • @meathorse
              -21 month ago

              Yes, yes it is. The tyre is at a higher pressure than the atmosphere so any hole will allow the air to equalize but the difference is how that air comes out:

              Stab the sidewall (big hole, rapidly) air rushes out with a big bang.

              Snip the stem, smaller hole, air rushes out slower but still very quick. Likely flat in under a minute. Different structure/strength that sidewall which is why it doesn’t pop/explode.

              If you get a puncture, the reason it doesn’t leak as fast as snipping the stem (nor pop) - usually the nail/screw is still in the tyre, keeping it plugged somewhat, the distortion of the tyre under weight means this hole can open and close as the car rolls letting out a little at a time.

              Source: have had punctures that take hrs to run flat, have watched tyre techs clip stems on an old tyres, seen videos of tyres being stabbed.

    • chingadera
      81 month ago

      As a fellow internetor, I find this extremely hard to believe, but if it is accurate, hell yeah, keep fighting the fight

    • @Dozzi92
      01 month ago

      I feel like this kind of trick, and so many other goodies, were all on totse.

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
        11 month ago

        I’m positive it was. At one point in the good old days I moderated the “Bad Ideas” subforum on Totse, before the redesign and subsequent crash and burn of the forums.

        • @Dozzi92
          11 month ago

          Exactly. I’m going back to maybe 2000, 2001. I was 13, going on 14, so it was the perfect website for me unfortunately.

      • @PunnyName
        191 month ago

        You keep using that word. You know which.


          • @MothmanDelorian
            71 month ago

            They aren’t defending the suggestion. They are taking issue with you using a medical condition to insult someone’s intelligence.

            Ableism isn’t OK.

            • @SchmidtGenetics
              1 month ago

              How is it ableist to call a mentally challenged solution retarded…?

              I never insulted anyone’s intelligence.

              It’s retarded to stare at the sun during an eclipse, stating that isn’t ableist. That’s all I did.

              • qaz
                1 month ago

                “retarded” is a medical term for intellectual disabilities. That’s why it’s not allowed, saying a method is “stupid” would have been fine. I’ve asked the main mod to explicitly mention it in the rules to avoid confusion in the future.

                • @SchmidtGenetics
                  1 month ago

                  I never used it in that way, so my comments were still removed for false reasons.

                  Retard also has more than one definition, it’s not a catch all term. So comments shouldn’t be removed for just having the word.

                  You know this, I still have two comments that use the term in a no direct insulting way.

                  It’s also an incredibly silly situation to allow directly insulting users with like “stupid” anyways, but you do, this will be a cesspool like other places in no time. And as the other user unhelpfully pointed out, that would put you in violation of lemmy.worlds rules itself…. So which is it? Your rules, or theirs? Or is this like most other communities and the rules are made up every report?

              • @gift_of_gab
                71 month ago

                It’s retarded to stare at the sun during an eclipse, stating that isn’t ableist. That’s all I did.


                • @SchmidtGenetics
                  1 month ago

                  Do you know what ableism vs an insult vs a slur is…?

                  Because some are allowed and some aren’t here. I didn’t use ableism, and the other stuff has no rules here.

                  So if I’m being accused and having my stuff moderated incorrectly, that’s a problem.

                  • @kuato
                    31 month ago

                    Do you know what ableism vs an insult vs a slur is…?

                    If you’re an expert on these things, then your litany of abuses must have been made knowingly:

                    Instead of lecturing others, I suggest educating yourself, before you catch a ban.

                    I didn’t use ableism, and the other stuff has no rules here.

                    There are in fact rules about them.

                  • @gift_of_gab
                    31 month ago

                    So if I’m being accused and having my stuff moderated incorrectly, that’s a problem.

                    I’m willing to bet that’s the worst thing that will happen to you this year, and you’ll still whine about it.

              • @[email protected]
                030 days ago

                Regardless of whether or not you personally think it’s an acceptable term to use, best to drop it from your lexicon if you intend to continue interacting with polite society. That term is rapidly becoming wildly innappropriate in all contexts