• @alekwithak
    1456 days ago
    1. Pay actors to play loved one.
    2. Pay this guy to lose a race to you.
    3. Race as poorly as possible. Really make him work for his money.
    4. Pay first actor to leave you for motorcyclist anyway.
    5. Neither one knows the other one is an actor.
    6. Film the results and you’ve got a new hit TV show! Sell the rights to Amazon and profit.
    • @FireRetardant
      576 days ago

      Then the 2 actors fall in genuine love but are both too fearful to speak the truth about being actors for fear of ruining what they have. Then we can make that situation into a spinoff series sitcom.

      • MeatPilot
        236 days ago

        Season 2 one actor can pretend to be pregnant to keep the relationship going. Than doesn’t give real birth, but hires a baby actor.

      • @Dagnet
        76 days ago

        I would watch this anime, get the director of kaguya sama

    • @werefreeatlast
      125 days ago

      Okay. All I got is a big bag of lemons. Can you do stuff like that with lemons?