Thankfully we live in an area with functional sex ed, but sex ed doesn’t teach you how to be a good sexual partner. I have nothing against porn, but I imagine it’s going to set… very unrealistic expectations of how to behave when getting down.
This will be a fun conversation to have with my kids when they’re a bit older.
We’re seriously already thinking about when and how to introduce them to porn. Because they will look for it either way and I’d rather have them use pornhub than some revenge porn site or so.
Thankfully we live in an area with functional sex ed, but sex ed doesn’t teach you how to be a good sexual partner. I have nothing against porn, but I imagine it’s going to set… very unrealistic expectations of how to behave when getting down.
This will be a fun conversation to have with my kids when they’re a bit older.
We’re seriously already thinking about when and how to introduce them to porn. Because they will look for it either way and I’d rather have them use pornhub than some revenge porn site or so.
That’s a good idea, at least that would make questionable technique be our biggest worry.
Gotta start at The right place
Porn better be real, or I’ve stretched my asshole for nothing?!