So in Iran people take old PlayStation consoles, refurbish them and sell them as new stock. My favorite part of this is that they do so with this incredible custom box.

I kinda love this, and if I was there? I’d buy one in a heartbeat.

To be honest, retro gaming on the PS1 is a bit 50/50 for me. Early 3D gaming before my time can be rough. But I have such a soft spot for how beautiful the console is from a design and hardware standpoint. That boxy gray box is such beauty.

I’d probably play it more than the PS5 I ended up selling!

  • Dark Arc
    362 days ago

    But I have such a soft spot for how beautiful the console is from a design and hardware standpoint. That boxy gray box is such beauty.

    Agree to disagree lol

    • @PerfectDarkOP
      362 days ago

      I guess I have the fact that I wasnt alive for that ‘era’ of gaming, so its maybe a bit more fascinating to me to see a more utilitarian design over what we get now.

      I dislike the move in PCs and consoles where everything has RGB (you’ll see it everywhere on SBC retro handhelds), or just looks garish. To me this boxy-box just looks BEAUTIFUL. Gray/beige hardware wins me over every time

      • @MurrayL
        242 days ago

        Similar to how the NES was made to look like a VCR, the PlayStation was made to look right at home as part of a fancy 90s home hi-fi setup. Functional/industrial grey was the aesthetic du jour, and gave it a look that said this isn’t just a toy; it’s the future of home entertainment.

        • @A_Union_of_Kobolds
          162 days ago

          And dude us kids LOVED the hatch-opening design. That felt so freaking FUTURE at the time

          We were easily amused

      • @acosmichippo
        62 days ago

        gray, whatever.

        beige, no. never again.

    • TheTechnician27
      32 days ago

      Yeah, to me, the PlayStation might seriously be one of the ugliest major home consoles of all time (beaten out by the PSOne which looks like a cheap toy). And this isn’t even a generational thing: a grey N64 and Sega Saturn stand head-and-shoulders above the PlayStation in terms of looks. Cool how compact it was, at least.

      • @[email protected]
        321 hours ago

        I dunno. I think you just prefer rounded aesthetics. IMO the Saturn just looks like an oversized CD player. Boring and no personality. The little ridges and whatnot on the PlayStation were just plain neat to me , and I greatly prefer boxy to rounded. It’s why the PS One was such a disappointment by comparison.

      • @MurrayL
        142 days ago

        I think the Atari XEGS probably wins the battle for ‘ugliest grey box’

        • @PerfectDarkOP
          132 days ago

          Pastel pretty colors?

          Okay judging by all these anti-gray/beige comments I’m an outlier in what I find lovely, but even this looks nice to me!!!