There’s no removed comments. I looked through my profile cause like sometimes I just be saying shit so I was okay maybe. But I can’t find any comments on that community. Just the old 196.
Idk if this is where to post this but I just wanted to rant. It’s my first time ever being banned so it felt ouch.
So what about all the people who were banned from blahaj back in december for dissent?
What 196 are they supposed to use?
Literally the biggest poster on 196 was banned and was forced to move over to .world despite them saying they are ok with Neopronouns. And everyone just called them a TERF instead of listening to them.
From my perspective that is not really an inclusive community concerned with protecting LGBTQ people, it’s blatant suppression of dissent.
Most people who were banned for “Gatekeeping” then and since then were really just banned because the admins didn’t like them despite them dispite not breaking rules.
You keep posting numbers, but you then ignore the dedicated base for the world community that is not going away.
No one was banned for dissent. People were banned for gatekeeping, misgendering and repeatedly and/or deliberately misgendering folk.
The rule is don’t misgender and gatekeep other folks and block or ignore them if you can’t deal with their identity or pronouns. The modlog is right there. If you can find a single instance of someone getting banned without breaking that or another rule, I want to know about it
So nobody was banned for dissent, but you will unban people who were banned for Gatekeeping because they weren’t actually Gatekeeping?
So if they weren’t banned for dissent or Gatekeeping, what was the reason?
I let them know, but this is really inconsistent policy
The only people who were banned were gatekeeping other folks identities. If you find an example of someone that was banned who didn’t do that, I will unban them.
If you find that inconsistent or confusing, I’m not sure what to tell you…
the biggest poster on 196 was banned for saying “i respect neopronouns BUT your policy of not allowing harassment for neopronouns isn’t for me and so i am preemptively leaving” while screaming stuff about how dragons aren’t real instead of just blocking and reporting offensive users as the mods explicitly asked.
to clarify. it’s a bit worse than you express. :)
Wait, that was it?
nope, clarified some other details in an edit thanks for holding me accountable
You were quite clear that you regarded a cis person daring to express disagreement with someone who is trans as ‘entitlement’, that saying “dragons aren’t real” is “invalidating behavior”, and that thinking that dragons aren’t real is a form of thoughtcrime which expresses intent to not use neopronouns in the future
Question: If we found the skeletal remains of a dragon in east asia somewhere, would you then be fine with ‘dragon’ as a neo-pronoun?
You seem to think this is self-evidently obvious.
At no point have I fought anyone on neopronouns.
But no, dragons not being real is compounded by the fact that human beings, by definition, are not dragons, in the same way that human beings are not attack helicopters. But apparently at some point that turned from “Attack Helicopter Gender is conservative talking point nonsense” to “You must respect Attack Helicopter Gender”
Jesus fucking Christ. Yes, it is obvious that dragons are not real. Thank you for reinforcing the utter disconnect from reality.
Why are you even choosing to engage in that point it’s a worthless argument considering that whether a dragon is real or not they have tremendous cultural symbolism and nearly universal recognition. It’s a worthless argument to say dragons aren’t real so identification with a dragon is invalid. And really this is just one of those “is it offensive to say a trans woman doesn’t have a cervix arguments” that you see transphobes try and do to test if it’s taken transphobic or not and claim they’re just playing around with facts and logic. In reality this kind of thing is just being testy to see how much people will tolerate, the answer is they don’t tolerate it when they see what the person is doing.
Good point
Don’t you think this kind of disrespectful to trans people when they actually experience real oppression for wanting to be who they are?
Being trans and wanting to be an animal are not the same thing.
Do you think it’s at all disrespectful to try and determine if another person’s trans identity is valid or not? Oppression Olympics gatekeeping is still gatekeeping. TL;DR what you’re doing is incredibly disrespectful to trans people and isn’t appreciated in the majority of trans spaces.
@[email protected] Think I found another one of those unaccounted gatekeepers.
If we are assuming that ‘dragon’ here, against all context and everything Drag actually said, actually meant “a specific species of monitor lizard”, that wouldn’t change the fact that human beings are not and cannot be monitor lizards.
Ohhh, so it doesn’t matter. I see.
You should just say “human beings are not lizards,” then. Your focus on them being real or not is sleight of hand. It’s dishonest. It suggests you’re insecure about your real ideas not being very likeable.
[edit] They got deleted. xD Oof.
My real idea that… human beings are… human beings…?
you’d be funny if you weren’t so sadly acerbic about this.
in this context, yes it absolutely was. i and the vast majority of 196 users stand by this.
*edited this to address your goalpost moving regarding expressing disagreement ~> disputing rights because i don’t care enough to merit you with a reply
Ah, too cowardly to put this as a response, I see - I might have seen it, after all. “about how to run a space” implies that I was at all disputing the rule. I wasn’t, and I’ve pointed this out before, as your disingenuous ass knows. At no point did I say “Blahaj shouldn’t be run like this!”; in fact, in the immediate aftermath, I said I understood the rationale, but it wasn’t for me. This, however, was far too direct a contradiction for the Blahaj administration to handle, and they removed it for ‘gatekeeping’.
And you continue to lick their boots for doing so. Bravissima.
Hey, you’re demonstrating the same level of illiteracy you did the first time! Remember when I pointed out that at no point did I dispute her right to run her instance the way she wanted? Good times!
But this level of disingenuity is par for the course for you.
As seen elsewhere in this thread, the position of many Blahaj supporters likewise seems to be that the old conservative attack helicopter canard had a good idea going, actually, and we should be all-in on attack helicopter gender too.
“Dragons aren’t real is a form of toxicity” isn’t really a better look. You do understand that, right?
… right…?
You seem to know a lot about the whole story for a 20 days old account.
The two people who posted there in the last 24 hours?
They should open a thread here documenting Why their ban was a power trip.
Two possible outcomes
If there was already such a post, feel free to link to it, sorry if I don’t remember, it’s been a while to be honest
db0 and unruffled were pretty clear they didn’t want any more LBZ posting back when those threads were common. i’d instead recommend just apologizing and doing a ban appeal to Ada. she’s actually a very nice person :)
You forgot outcome #3: Ada was power tripping and nothing happens. I don’t know why that’s so unbelievable to you that you couldn’t even conceive it.
Wait, this goes back to the “trolls don’t deserve pronouns” thing?
Was the mod team really expecting people to move out of Blahaj using a “pronouns are deserved” rhetoric?
It goes back to the “Saying dragons aren’t real is a bannable offense” thing, yes.
Except that is a variation of “trolls don’t deserve pronouns” it’s very much trying to say that without actually saying it. Kind of like saying “Is it offensive to say a trans woman doesn’t have a cervix?”. The answer is yes to both. They can see through what you’re doing and Blahaj isn’t very tolerant of these “just asking questions” or “just spitting facts” arguments which often have a deeper meaning, that is transparently obvious to both parties.
TL;DR YDI or rather They Deserve It.
I was and still am very frustrated by how they handled the situation with dragonfucker to be clear since that asshole harassed me twice with alt accounts and flooded my DMs with porn (yuck), though that doesn’t excuse these shitty arguments about pronoun validity. In fact they actually make it worse because instead of calling out dragonfucker for the things that matter (harassment, sealioning, misinformation) they chose to complain about pronouns and make dragonfucker look like a reasonable person. Fuck those people who did that and honestly fuck you for defending them in any way. If it wasn’t for them in a vast majority whining about pronouns dragonfucker would likely have been seen for what they are by more people, instead of as a victim who needs to be helped.
I never misgendered Drag. I always tried to use Drag’s pronouns.
That did not mean I was about to accept that “Dragon” or “Dragonfucker”, two things relating to something which, by an objective standard, does not exist, is a gender.
But apparently that’s too radical.
Of course. It’s anyone’s fault except the people who rallied around obvious trolls because they’re part of the ‘in-group’ of the community. Those of us who objected to dragons not being real were the REAL villains, we FORCED everyone to rally around Drag as Drag made literal attack helicopter memes. Also, we forced them to defend the conservative attack helicopter meme too. We are truly the most dastardly of manipulators.
I’m not going to get into that discussion again, it has been discussed to death in those threads above.
Still, based on numbers, the majority of the [email protected] either left for [email protected] or stayed there.
The LW one is the less active of the 3
I have to uae burners because I don’t want my main account banned from blahaj from them lurking here
I’ve talked with them and why they post there every day deapite the other communities existing, and that’s what they said.
From what I can tell that whole community is there because of the christmas ban wave, most of them are trans people who said they never gatekept and respect Neopronouns.
They also said you specifically lurk these threads and resort to personal attacks against people who crtique blahaj, like pointing at account age instead of engaging in good faith with the people who got banned from blahaj admin abuse.
You still haven’t told me who was that main poster who was banned.
Not sure who is the one not engaging in good faith in this conversation.
After asking if I could share they said they don’t want their main account getting banned from blahaj in retaliation.
I’m sorry
But you said they were already banned back in December. I’m just asking for the banned account, it should publicly displayed in the modlog.
I’m not asking for their new alt.
If someone back then was banned for gatekeeping or misgendering and won’t do that anymore, not only will they not be banned in “retaliation”, their banned account will be unbanned. All they need to do is reach out to me
If someone back then was banned for gatekeeping and misgendering, but didn’t do those things, not only will they not be banned in “retaliation”, their banned account will be unbanned. All they need to do is reach out to me.
If someone back then was banned for gatekeeping and misgendering and they don’t reach out to me, I still I won’t ban their new account if I become aware of it, because the point of all of this is to make it clear that gatekeeping and misgendering are not on. If they’re not doing that on their second account, their second account won’t get banned, because the first ban achieved its purpose.
tl;dr - Whoever they are, if they’re not gatekeeping and misgendering folk, they’ll be fine.