
People should be allowed to exist

Social programs aren’t communism

The system isn’t working for the people


I’ve changed my mind on this.

Let the DNC go full MAGA and when they lose, because they will lose, they get the heat and we can eject them forever. At least sit them in a corner.

Progressives, you fight if you want but I don’t believe the elections will be fair so it’s a win win for you.

  • @PugJesus
    -216 hours ago

    Sure it was stupid to vote Trump, but it was more stupid of Democrats to lose to an orange man by not appealing and refusing to acknowledge those who have economic anxieties brought by mismanaged globalisation.

    Average red fascist preferring literal fascists to the dreaded Shitlibs™

    • @TankovayaDiviziya
      416 hours ago

      You have it the other way around. It is the Shitlibs™ preferring literal fascists by not going left enough on common sense policies that the rest of other developed countries take for granted. By not running on popular policies, Shitlibs are tacitly allowing literal fascists to take power. Instead, all the Shitlibs/blue MAGA say is “I am not my opponent. And you will be happy with our breadcrumb policies or the other guy wins! (But we don’t care, we get paid by our corporate donors regardless)”

      • @TrickDacy
        -216 hours ago

        You couldn’t be more transparent if you tried

          • @TrickDacy
            -38 hours ago

            I appreciate you clearing up your AgEnDa

            • @TankovayaDiviziya
              48 hours ago

              Of course Third Way and neoliberals still think we’re in pre-recession era when appealing to moderates still work in the face of growing wealth inequality. If your way is the only way, why keep losing?

              • @TrickDacy
                -28 hours ago

                On its face, your idea falls apart on even the slightest inspection. This thread is full of that and we don’t need to pretend everyone calling you out needs to rehash it

                  • @TrickDacy
                    -27 hours ago

                    Scroll up and down. You can find plenty of well worded arguments that dash yours to pieces. I’m not spending more of my mental health on you.

      • @PugJesus
        16 hours ago

        You have it the other way around. It is the Shitlibs™ preferring literal fascists by not going left enough on common sense policies that the rest of other developed countries take for granted.

        “They didn’t go far left enough; therefore, the smarter choice was to vote for the furthest right option available.”


        By not running on popular policies, Shitlibs are tacitly allowing literal fascists to take power.

        Tell me more about these popular policies. Or rather, tell me more about their popularity in the US electorate.

        • missingno
          715 hours ago

          “They didn’t go far left enough; therefore, the smarter choice was to vote for the furthest right option available.”

          They didn’t offer any meaningful change at a time when voters were upset with the status quo, therefore the voters chose a fascist who was offering something rather than nothing.

          At the end of the day, we lost. And we have to talk about why we lost if we want to learn any lessons next time.

          • @PugJesus
            -115 hours ago

            They didn’t offer any meaningful change at a time when voters were upset with the status quo, therefore the voters chose a fascist who was offering something rather than nothing.

            Doesn’t make it a smart fucking choice. If anything, context makes it stupider.

            At the end of the day, we lost. And we have to talk about why we lost if we want to learn any lessons next time.

            And unfortunately, ‘policy wasn’t left enough’ isn’t the answer.

            Dem policy should move leftward, mind you. But not because it’ll win us votes. Policy is of marginal importance to everyone save a handful of terminally educated political junkies like us. Dem policy should move leftward because left policy will be better for the country and move the country itself left in the long-term.

            Elections, though? We have to win those using different criteria than “What’s good for the country.”

            Or at least, we did. God knows if we’ll have meaningful elections again at this point.

            • missingno
              715 hours ago

              Doesn’t make it a smart fucking choice. If anything, context makes it stupider.

              So we agree that the DNC did not make a smart choice?

              • @PugJesus
                15 hours ago

                Oh yeah, the DNC made many incredibly stupid choices. Choices both specific to this last election, and more long-term as part of a general pattern of ineptness, mediocrity, and complacency. In any just world, probably a good 90% of them would be out of their jobs, and their names blackened forever as the nitwits who lost American democracy.

                Just at the end of the day, the fascist fuckwit should not have been regarded by anyone with more than an ounce of gray matter in their head as an acceptable alternative.

                • missingno
                  714 hours ago

                  Well the voters did pick the fascist fuckwit, and if we don’t want that to happen again then we have to have a deeper conversation, rather than terminating that conversation with the unhelpful observation “voters bad.”

                  Because the point here should be to ask real questions about what we’re gonna do differently next time. Deflecting away from our candidates’ failures is an attitude that leads to doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

                  • @PugJesus
                    -214 hours ago

                    Because the point here should be to ask real questions about what we’re gonna do differently next time. Deflecting away from our candidates’ failures is an attitude that leads to doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

                    Not trying to deflect, but to remind everyone that the failures of the candidate and party are largely not policy-based. “We should have just gone left!” and other easy answers are tempting, but like Bernie and Corbyn, will not bring victory in and of themselves. And the enthusiasm for those answers is often enough to drown out any potential sober analysis, especially in a community as left-leaning as Lemmy.

        • @TrickDacy
          -48 hours ago

          This user’s recent post is a pretty good indicator of how little they understand