I grew up listening to fundie christian parents babble at length how we were living in end times. And mocking them mercilessly (at first among my fiends, later to their faces) as often as possible.

Now look at us - on the brink of non-existence politically, environmentally, and civilizationally. Not sure that last one is a word.

If they were right I’m gonna have some 'splainin to do.


  • @ghostrider2112
    211 hours ago

    Lol…i’ll admit that i’ve skipped over more of it. it’s a lot more tedious than the new one. i have my own path though and don’t need no stinking books. my god encompasses all gods and everything. no one can think of a greater god because mine will just eclipse it. it also doesn’t require worship because it has much more self-confidence than those little pussy gods.

    • @[email protected]
      511 hours ago

      Funny you say that given how petty and insecure Yahweh is in the OT.

      Definitely traits that I want to see in my all-knowing, all-powerful god… Jealousy and pettiness.

      • @ghostrider2112
        111 hours ago

        Yeah, my god calls that one a little tantrum baby