I grew up listening to fundie christian parents babble at length how we were living in end times. And mocking them mercilessly (at first among my fiends, later to their faces) as often as possible.
Now look at us - on the brink of non-existence politically, environmentally, and civilizationally. Not sure that last one is a word.
If they were right I’m gonna have some 'splainin to do.
Yes it’s a death cult and we’re locked in the basement.
Self fulfilling prophecy
I love the word christofascist. I‘ll try to use it more from now on.
It’s more that it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“The world will hate you,” so you’re antisocial and hateful in preparation. They do hate me! It’s all true!
“There will be wars and rumors of wars,” so you vote for the defense hawks supporting the military complex. So many wars! It’s all true!
“They won’t even tolerate your views, they’ll try to outlaw it!” So you try to ban them first. It’s all true!
Why protect the temporary environment when you have eternal paradise waiting? Why do ANYTHING meaningful here when you have eternal paradise waiting.
tl;dr: Death cult. Projection.
If you spend your life wanting to see the end, eventually you will.
Not only that, but these bad things HAVE TO HAPPEN before the good things can come to pass. That’s the order of operations. Which leads to seeing the bad things and thinking, “YES!!! It’s haaaappeniiiiing!!!”
You literally welcome disaster, because it proves you right, rather than working to prevent it.
yeah but its all going downhill because of people like them. christians are complicit in the demise of democracy.
theyre causing their own doom so they can point it out. if they didnt exist, the world would be a better place.
theres a great meme somewhere where the rapture happens and the world is an amazingly better place for it.
Self proclaimed “Christians” don’t necessarily represent the true beliefs.
James 1:27
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
religion is itself a slippery slope greased with fantasy and hope created by men. when their major tomes require interpretation, any meaning useful to the con artist can be derived.
99% of different interpretations don’t cause that big of a difference, though. The broad important part of the faith remains the same. Usually the divide is mainly on church governance and management, as well as ceremonies, the science of how covenants work, etc. I grew up in a Baptist church, and it was quite common to have Anglican and Presbyterian ministers preaching there. I have been to Anglican churches where Roman Catholics were preaching and ecumenical services as well. We agree on 90% of stuff.
every religion was created by man to control man. to give credence to the slippery slope of divinity is to allow the eventual removal of responsibility from human beings.
religion is a disease, even if ‘mostly benign’.
That’s a very shallow and uninformed view to how religions start and their origins
Lmao imagine responding to James, the brother of Jesus’ letter saying “hur hurr hurr, actually, you’re wrong, that’s a no true scotsman fallacy ☝️🤓”
It’s been the “End Times” for the last 2000 years. They were full of shit then and they’re full of shit now.
Their whole death cult is predicated on the world ending in a violent fiery ocean of blood so that they, the only good people who won’t be damned to a burning torturous eternal punishment, will ascend to a paradise of everlasting Jonestown. It’s sheer insanity. Malicious, cruel, psychopathic insanity.
TBF this is the first time in 2000 years when we have billions of people warming up the planet and studies by actual scientists saying if we continue the way we are we have at most a couple of centuries left. Plenty of studies saying that when you know where to look.
When a denomination lies about when the apocalypse is coming they can gain more followers than they lose, look at all the offshoot denominations of Adventists/Millerites
Depends who you’re talking about, but not necessarily. The Christian doctrine is that nobody is righteous, and that we don’t deserve to be with God because of that.
My denomination took that to it’s logical conclusion, that salvation is for everyone irrespective of their religious views.
So if someone doesn’t want to be with God, then they will be forced to be with Him? Does that mean Hitler is in heaven?
Pretty much, yeah.
I’ve read their book several times. Take some comfort from the fact that if they are right, all of them are on the side they thought they were against.
Nobody is righteous. The only reason people are saved is through grace.
Yeah, and they don’t get saved by trying to anticipate the end times and leading others astray.
The book states ‘no one knows when’ several times; even in Revelations, the book literally about end times.
And there are many times in modern human history that people were sure it had kicked off. But it didn’t and things just got better again. It’s like our thing to almost wipe ourselves out but miserably kick on for another day.
We only just appeared here anyway so we’ll likely disappear just as recently as well and some other living thing will have its turn, and so on, and so on, until the sun takes out the atmosphere and then the planet. And fin.
That ball of meat we have in our skulls is too limiting in imagination. I like to think that we can’t even comprehend what comes next (the other side of whatever this is). but, having done enough LSD back in the 90s, I know it will be fun… Edit: Yes, also, it will come like a thief in the night…
You must have skipped the Old Testament
Lol…i’ll admit that i’ve skipped over more of it. it’s a lot more tedious than the new one. i have my own path though and don’t need no stinking books. my god encompasses all gods and everything. no one can think of a greater god because mine will just eclipse it. it also doesn’t require worship because it has much more self-confidence than those little pussy gods.
Funny you say that given how petty and insecure Yahweh is in the OT.
Definitely traits that I want to see in my all-knowing, all-powerful god… Jealousy and pettiness.
Yeah, my god calls that one a little tantrum baby
America isn’t the world. It’s just a regime that will fall because of shortsightedness. If your Christian parents only think of the world as “America”, then I don’t think you owe them anything?
Very decent chance America just nukes everyone on the way out out of spite
I’m going to make a point here, and I hope I am wrong, but I don’t think I am. If America falls apart, I think it will be the first one, not the only one. The influence America exerts on much of the rest of the world is huge, and the pressures on many other nations to follow any collapse with one of their own would be difficult to stop. Not just influence culturally, but economically, including but not limited to agriculture. Removing the agricultural influence provided by America alone will be devastating for much of the world (including non-agrarian parts America).
The oldest human writings are lost to history. But we can be assured that they bitterly complained about the young generation and predicted that the world would end soon.
Sooner or later, one of the kooks will be right by coincidence.
It was always going to end. And I’d rather be there for it than be born in some other boring and eventless time. Unfortunately, as exciting as times are, I think there’s still quite a while to go and we won’t be around for it. But you can still enjoy all that’s happening now; sure is a lot!
May you live in interesting times.
Depends on your generation. I’m early gen Z and if I live long enough, I think there’s a good enough chance I will see humanity going extinct
Nah, there’s an apocalyptic phase that goes on for a long time and chances of ultimate survival are quite positive. Six billion could perish, making life much easier for the remaining, though there’d be hard times for a few generations during recovery.
Always look on the bright side of life 😙🎵
Or, ya know, astroid… Whatever it is, it beats dying of dysentery at age 34.
Yeah… That’s not what “right” means.
Well, they’re not right if they were harping on “Jesus is coming again!” but other than that, I too might owe Mom & Dad and apology.
More clearly than ever in my life, I can see the end — the end of me, the end of America (whatever that really was), and the end of everything. It’s all so clear, it’s difficult to see anything else, even when I turn away.
If the entire world dies for any of those reasons, it’s humanity’s own damn fault. There will be nothing supernatural about it. You won’t owe anyone any kind of explanation.
It’s not too late to re-evaluate your beliefs tbh. I don’t subscribe to the same brand of Christianity as my parents or as what you see happening in the USA, but you can actually have Christ without a lot of that mad fundie stuff, and incorporate into a more rational belief system. I recommend checking out InspiringPhilosophy on YouTube, he has a pretty rational way of explaining the faith. Or I am not rational at all because I still believe in a “skyfairy” according to internet atheists. Just don’t think that being a mad fundie is the only way to be a Christian or necessary to receive forgiveness from God.
I don’t know why anyone needs forgiveness from god. Seems to me that god is the one who needs to be forgiven for creating all this suffering.
What suffering are you referring to?
The common “internet atheist” drives me nuts. Such arrogance! Such stubbornness! I will proudly yell “I DON’T KNOW!” from the highest mountaintop, and remain open minded.
Thanks for the YouTube recommendation!
Yeah, I know agnostics exist and the common atheist who jokes about skydaddy is in a minority, thankfully
I find the golden rule and the promise of christ to be totally solid (paraphrasing to being forgiven, but also forgiving all/everything). To me, it is essentially following the eight fold path of Buddhism. I think it can also parallel the transcendence of ego according to Jung.
Christofascists are wrong because they don’t recognize themselves and their cult leaders as a primary cause of doomsday, but rather they promote some poorly interpreted, wacky hallucinations from a dude in a desert 2000 years ago.