I grew up listening to fundie christian parents babble at length how we were living in end times. And mocking them mercilessly (at first among my fiends, later to their faces) as often as possible.

Now look at us - on the brink of non-existence politically, environmentally, and civilizationally. Not sure that last one is a word.

If they were right I’m gonna have some 'splainin to do.


  • @dontbelasagne
    210 hours ago

    Depends on your generation. I’m early gen Z and if I live long enough, I think there’s a good enough chance I will see humanity going extinct

    • @saltesc
      -18 hours ago

      Nah, there’s an apocalyptic phase that goes on for a long time and chances of ultimate survival are quite positive. Six billion could perish, making life much easier for the remaining, though there’d be hard times for a few generations during recovery.

      Always look on the bright side of life 😙🎵

      Or, ya know, astroid… Whatever it is, it beats dying of dysentery at age 34.