• @DocMcStuffin
    331 year ago

    Ugh, I hate when articles like this use the word skeptics. They’re not skeptics. An actual skeptic will ask questions to gain a better understanding then change their position if or when the evidence warrants it. They’re living in denial. They’re climate denialists.

      • @MiddleWeigh
        1 year ago

        I’m gonna play devils advocate here, cause I came across a couple things earlier from some conservatives.

        Some of them don’t deny it at all. They understand it’s warming, will cite that we’re still coming out of an ice age, and that it’s only natural. There are periods where there were no ice caps at all. It’s warming, but that’s just fine, it’s earth going through its cycles.

        This kind of falls in line with the rest of their views too. The haves and have not, “it’s only natural to group into tribes and dominate our surroundings, its human nature”…at least that’s the jist I got from trying to understand their thought process. (And alot of god too. The god stuff is troubling, because their idea of god is super restrictive, and petty…for a god)

        However they usually leave out the pollution bit, like it’s a small factor I guess…or it’s only natural. Lol. There’s half of us who want to shape the world, half that wants to forget they exist, or lives in fear of themselves and project…and a small portion exploiting all of it.

        Even if it was a small factor… would they want sit in a garage with a started car? No. Why not?

        • @III
          21 year ago

          That’s not really a passable stance as the science shows that “it’s natural” isn’t the case either.

          They are deniers.