Will Bunch expresses what I’ve been thinking since Trump was elected. American democracy is under attack from within. The fascists who yearn for an authoritarian government in the media are promoting it, and the media who supposedly don’t support it fail to recognize it. They are busy trying to follow the political playbook of the 20th century.

  • @Mudface
    01 year ago

    I’m not a journalist

    • admiralteal
      1 year ago

      And how does one end up part of your slave caste of journalists, where you’re allowed to demand they sacrifice themselves and work without pay? Just curious since like you, I don’t want to accidentally end up one.

      Or will you go ahead and hire one yourself to do that investigation? Just a few tens of thousands of dollars will probably support a few months of the work you demand.

      • @Mudface
        -21 year ago

        What are you talking about?

        • admiralteal
          31 year ago

          Don’t be disingenuous. You’re out here DEMANDING that journalists should still be out there on investigation beats even if there’s no way to earn a living doing it, but aren’t willing to do anything yourself other than complain about how lazy and biased they are.

          • @Mudface
            01 year ago

            Are you suggesting that no one would read an actual, real, investigative journalism piece?

            That’s what it sounds like you’re saying

            • admiralteal
              1 year ago

              Prepared by whom?

              If no one can get paid a living wage to do it, it won’t get done. You’re the one saying that a lack of funding for journalists is no excuse and that you DEMAND they go out there and do the work even if there’s no funding.

              If you’re so sure there is a good business model in what you want, go fucking do it.

              • @Mudface
                01 year ago

                Any story like ‘who blew up the pipelines’ would be the biggest story in the country.

                Anyone who writes that story will get fucking paid

                That’s how this stuff works.

                • admiralteal
                  1 year ago

                  It would… if you could get that result. But three different national governments devoted vast resources to it and couldn’t find anything conclusive, though we are fairly sure they were deliberate detonations using shaped charges and Russian vessels including a salvage shipped equipped with a submersible well capable of planting such charges were detected unexpectedly in the area beforehand. Russian involvement is still the most credible theory with Ukrainian sappers trailing somewhere in the far distance behind it.

                  Dozens of organizations, including media ones, HAVE tried to “solve” this one and been unable to do so. Hundreds of people have worked on it. Published about it.

                  Given that you believe no investigation has happened, it’s safe to assume you haven’t contributed to any of that effort, including through pageviews. Which pretty much proves your thesis wrong.

                  So again, the amount of REAL MONEY AND EFFORT it would take to get a definitive answer to this question is more than even the Dutch, Swedish, and German governments have been able to manage. But you are still not satisfied that journalists aren’t currently 100% devoting their limited time and resources to it.

                  • @Mudface
                    -11 year ago

                    I have stopped searching for answers, the best that most of the non-conspiratorial articles can give us is ‘trust us, bro’

                    I’m a little bit past that level of trust for the media at this point. I’m going to need more than ‘trust us, bro’

                    I have actual expectations of the media that they just aren’t able to live up to.