The Congressional Integrity Project reports on several inconsistencies and untruths in James Comer’s House investigation

  • @[email protected]
    751 year ago

    Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) called out Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on MSNBC for her “absurd” devotion towards impeaching President Biden, claiming there is no evidence that Biden committed any wrongdoings.

    Said Buck: “Marjorie filed impeachment articles of impeachment on President Biden before he was sworn into office more than two and a half years ago. The idea that she is now the expert on impeachment or that she is someone who should set the timing on impeachment is absurd.”

    • @nutsack
      181 year ago

      why is this insane person still in Congress I don’t understand

      • @anon_8675309
        101 year ago

        She is a chaos actor. Her job is to be absurd so that you’re distracted while the real shit goes down.

        • @Bytemeister
          21 year ago

          She’s the human form of an Overton window shifting deeper into a swamp of used diapers and needles.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Some districts are filled to the brim with really shitty people and they get representation.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      31 year ago

      It all just boils down to “whyareyoumeantoMyPrezdentUhAmGohnBeMeanToYerz!!!11111ELEVENTY” with Empty G and people like her. Deep down, they probably know donnie Bin Laden is rotten, but they just don’t care, the cognitive dissonance is probably excruciating for them, and they want to hew to this notion that he’s totally innocent and the consequences of his crimes are “political” and they just want to figure out how to make Biden suffer, just because.

      It’s the party of Veruca Salt. Any time you want to understand what motivates most Republicans, watch those brats on the old Willie Wonka movie. I recently watched that movie, and wow, I think Empty G and a lot of the party took Veruca Salt as a role model for life.