What Biden has done is to cut the issuance of drilling leases to the minimum required by law, pass the Inflation Reduction Act, enact a regulation to force vehicle electrification, and similarly force fossil fuels out of most power plants.

What Biden has not done: stop issuing drilling permits or impose export restrictions on fossil fuels. The former has some serious limits because of how the courts treat the right to drill as a property right once you hold a drilling lease, and the latter is simply untested.

  • iAmTheTot
    101 year ago

    Climate change is scary, but scarier than nuclear war? I dunno, man.

      • @Mog_fanatic
        31 year ago

        Relaaaax. We’re not going to die. Most likely anyways. Our children tho… hoo boy they might have a bit of a problem on their hands

        • mosscap
          81 year ago

          Hey so as someone who is 35 and has survived massive flooding and a heat dome, the “its not something we’ll have to worry about” line doesn’t really make sense when I think about getting old and experiencing things like dementia or limited mobility in a world at 1.75 degrees warming

          • @Mog_fanatic
            11 year ago

            Hey as someone who is most likely headed for Alzheimer’s myself, at least I won’t even know I’m living in hell on earth! Silver lining I guess… 😅

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          I don’t know, I’m 25 and we’re starting to feel the effect very obviously now. What makes you think it won’t be seriously affecting me in my life?

          • @RobertOwnageJunior
            11 year ago

            It will obviously affect all of us to varying degrees. But we won’t all die. Quite a lot will die (a lot of old people and a lot of poor people, as is tradition), but we don’t get anywhere by making a Hollywood movie out of it. It’s serious enough on it’s own.

        • @bouh
          51 year ago

          I used to believe it would be a problem for our children. But it’s happening right now. Wildfires, cyclones, heat waves, lack of water, pandemics… It’s happening right now.

          • @Mog_fanatic
            1 year ago

            Oh for sure and it seems to be happening a lot faster than even the conservative guesstimates. But I’d bet my bottom dollar that future generations are gonna have it way worse than us if we don’t change course big time.

      • @bouh
        21 year ago

        We’re fucked already. The question now is about how much we will be fucked and if we can survive this. See what happened in Hawaï. It happened in Europe too. Cyclones will be a lot more common too. Heat waves are already hitting several times per year in what were temperate places. Agriculture is already suffering, and with it will come famine.

        It’s important to act now, because things will only get worse and it’s bad enough already.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      211 year ago

      IMHO this mostly tells us that Biden is talking about climate policy with the people around him. That’s enough to be a big deal.

      • Cethin
        21 year ago

        Yeah, when all the Republicans in the last debate said it wasn’t real, or whatever words were used, this is a clear difference on what’s likely the most important issue for most voters.

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      Nuclear war is quick.

      Climate change is slow.

      Gimme the quick flash over the boiling frog deal Everytime.

      • Chetzemoka
        1 year ago

        If you’re lucky enough to be one of the minimal handful who actually die in the quick flash. More likely you’ll be one of the multitudes poisoned by radioactive fallout or starved by nuclear winter.

        It’s not better.

    • @Venat0r
      91 year ago

      The scariness multiplied by the probability of it happening maybe…

    • @9point6
      1 year ago

      Nuclear war is obviously terrible. But it’s still somewhat localised between the warring nations.

      Climate change is everywhere and will eventually be just as devastating and then quickly much worse if not resolved

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      IDK, climate-fueled illnesses — tied to hotter temperatures, and swifter passage of pathogens and toxins. Continuing pandemics would be no treat.

    • @bouh
      31 year ago

      It definitely is. It is far, far more cataclysmic than a nuclear war. You’ll discover that soon unfortunately.

    • alternative_factor
      21 year ago

      I like how no one here mentioned the obvious fact that climate change disasters will only make world powers more willing to start a nuclear war. Just look at North Korea, what will happen when they have a huge famine or flood or fire or whatever and even the Kims can’t fill their bellies, what then?

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      In that it is definitely happening and will be equally destructive if steps aren’t taken to prevent it, albeit over a longer timeframe.