• @[email protected]
    762 years ago

    We toppled Saddam because he wanted to ditch the dollar. I don’t think this fuckstick or Elon Marshmallow man have the same level entourage.

    All the Russian oligarchs what is like to have all your assets seized, and just me tell ya, Id suffocate from laughter before I ever gave one fuck about the obscenely rich.

    I’m ready to Make America Great Again, by taxing any and all assets over 10million, annually, at 75%. The squeaky wheel gets it raised to 85% Back in the oft romanticized golden days the upper tax rate was 90%

    Maybe I’m alone in this opinion but I don’t think someone should be able to have one idea that sells and then never have to work again. Like, if we all worked 4 hrs a week then fine, but nowadays, with modern tax chattle slavery? Naw man. Edison, Tesla, those guys had to keep inventing. Mr Mypillow can go die under an overpass.

    Fuck billionaires. We need a special forces team for the IRS, they can jump from helicopters with their calculator’s ribbon.

    • qyron
      232 years ago

      This was gold to read.

      I agree. Amassing such volume of wealth that a single individual jas more wealth than many sovereign nations put together is ludicrous.

      I’m not against a person making money for their work and ideas but to the point where they can take other companies from business out of spite and mess with the entire economy for sport?

      I like to say I don’t mind paying taxes. In my country it buys me services and civilization, regardless being far from perfect. If I made a million a year, I could not spend it. I can’t imagine what it takes to spend a million.

    • TWeaK
      191 year ago

      Edison has more in common with billionaires than with inventors.

    • @SCB
      41 year ago

      We toppled Saddam because he wanted to ditch the dollar

      Lmao imagine thinking we went to war in Iraq over Saddam wanting to be poor.

    • 小莱卡
      41 year ago

      Can we stop calling russian billionaires “oligarchs” but other billionaires as just “billionaires”? Both are oligarchs.

    • TheWoozy
      21 year ago

      I’m unfamiliar with the “tax chattle slavery” concept? What does it mean?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        tax chattle slavery

        I’m guessing the concept is that we are farmed as cattle because we consume and then the money we earn that pays for our food and shelter all gets funnelled upwards to billionaires and as an added bonus we pay taxes to pay for a government which serves the billionaires’ interests not ours.

        It is notable that we all talk about being part of national economies now whereas we used to talk about being a part of society.

        • Rob
          31 year ago

          It is notable that we all talk about being part of national economies now whereas we used to talk about being a part of society.

          This ^

          louder for those in the back:


      • @SCB
        51 year ago

        It doesn’t mean anything. It’s something white upper middle class kids say when they want to pretend that working for money is at all the same as chattel slavery (he also spelled it wrong), which is how slavery worked in the US.

        It’s a disgusting turn of phrase that demeans the horrors of actual slavery in the US.

    • BritishJ
      1 year ago

      75% on 10M is 7.5M. This is how you get people to end up paying $0, because that rate is far to high. Its like saying for every $1 you earn, you will get $0.25C. Yeah you wouldn’t be happy with that.

      30% of 10M is better than 0% of 10M. If I had that money and they wanted to charge me 75% tax, I would rather pay a smart accountant 1M and get to keep 9M.

      • @jantin
        372 years ago

        let me introduce you to the progressive tax rates.

        Imagine I earn 100k$/year. Let’s say the tax rate is 30% at this point (I’m pulling these numbers from a hat), so I pay 30k, I’m left with 70k.

        Next year I’m promoted to vice-CEO (I’m pulling these positions from a hat) and earn 500k$/year. Luckily my state says that at 250k$ the tax rate jumps to 50%. This means I pay 30% on all earnings up to 250k (30%250k=75k) and 50% on all above that (50%(500k-250k) = 125k), effectively I’m left with 300k in my pocket, more than 4x what I earned before despite the tax hike.

        The next further year I became the final boss of capitalism - the CEO. Earnins jump again to 2mil$/year. Again luckily, my state says that all earnings above 1mil are taxed 75%. So again I pay the 30% on all earnings up to 250k (30%250k=75k), 50% on earnings between 250k and 1mil (50%(1m-250k) = 375k) and 75% on the earnings between 1m and 2m (75%*1m=750k). I’m left with 800k in my pocket, almost triple of what I earned last year despite the tax hike.

        anyone richer than lower middle class will fight tooth and nail against progressive tax rates, but the fact is that at these levels of salary even if you’re left with like 25% it’s still a hideous pile of money.

        • BritishJ
          1 year ago

          I know what this is, but they didn’t say that. But they said pay 75% on all assets worth 10M. So if you own a house or a yacht, car, etc worth 10M. They suggest you pay 7.5M in tax on that every year.

          • @SCB
            1 year ago

            Ending the yacht and luxury car industry will surely help the poors make money by simply… removing a bunch of their jobs

            • 小莱卡
              31 year ago

              Ending slavery surely helps the slaves by simply removing a bunch of their jobs.

              • @SCB
                -11 year ago

                It’s disgusting and offensive to compare paid labor, especially highly skilled/paid labor such as fucking yacht manufacture, with slavery.

                Check your privilege bro.

        • @SCB
          1 year ago

          Next year I’m promoted to vice-CEO

          These are the people trying to tell you how to run an economy lol

          anyone richer than lower middle class will fight tooth and nail against progressive tax rates

          Literally has never been true

      • @[email protected]
        192 years ago

        The keyword here is over 10M.

        You know, not the 10 millions, but anything that exceeds 10M.

        So if you have 11M, you’d pay 750.000.

        IMO it’s the only way to not bring back kings with unlimited power over normal people.

        • @postmateDumbass
          1 year ago

          Keyword was really Assets, but everyone read that as Income…