As more and more details are being revealed about Rep. Lauren Boebert’s wild night out in Denver last weekend — having been kicked out of “Beetlejuice” the musical for vaping and just generally being a public nuisance with her male companion — a full picture is coming together of what the other theater patrons around her that night had to endure.

Newly released footage of the night in question appears to show Boebert’s exposed breasts being fondled by her date for an extended period of time while she, in turn, dawdles around in his lap with her hand. As many have pointed out on social media, having seen this footage, children were seated all around the couple that night, within viewing range of what they were up to.

“Laurent Boebert was jerking her date off in public while he gropes her in a theater where children were present and yet she continues to attack LGBTQ people as ‘threats to children,’” writes journalist and clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo on X, sharing the footage of Boebert in the act.

  • @kameecoding
    911 year ago

    do you guys not have an idiom for that?

    in Hungarian we have (literally translated) : How one lives, thus they judge.

    • @Pencilnoob
      511 year ago

      A classic that kind of means the same thing is “me thinks he doth protest too much” from Shakespeare to indicate someone who brings up a topic they are guilty of.

      • @NightAuthor
        141 year ago

        Oh, this reminds me of “whoever smelt it dealt it”

      • @Eldritch
        51 year ago

        Basically the term projection serves the same duties. They accused people of the things they do. Projecting their behaviors on to others.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        “Methinks the lady doth protest too much”

        Context: The Queen in his play-within-a-play is going into this really overwrought excessive speech about how much she loves the husband she is about to kill.

        In this usage “protest” is not about publicly opposing something like the modern usage, it’s more like “profess”. A good modern equivalent might be “she’s laying it on a little thick”.

    • @Pretzilla
      1 year ago

      We have acronyms

      Gaslight Obstruct Project

    • @[email protected]
      251 year ago

      “Suspicion haunts the guilty mind.” in Ireland. Don’t know if it’s an Irish saying translated to English like many others.

    • Codex
      211 year ago

      Lefties sometimes say “every accusation is a confession.”

    • andrew_bidlaw
      211 year ago

      Them having an itch and that’s all what they preach in Russian as well.

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      We have (very loosely translated) ‘the innkeeper trusts his patrons as much as he trusts/knows himself’ in Dutch. Or semantically more accurate would be ‘an untrustworthy innkeeper distrusts his patrons’.

    • @eran_morad
      121 year ago

      We just call them “republicans”.

    • @blurryeyes
      51 year ago

      In Mexico it’s exactly like that “Como vives, juzgas”