I am theoretically switching over from Reddit to Lemmy. Finding myself spending more time on Lemmy than on Reddit. Maybe it’s because I am limited to using the desktop and can’t aimlessly browse Reddit on my iPhone. Of late, the only subreddits I cared for were on sports and their matchday threads and r/watches. I found myself aimlessly browsing through r/AskReddit and asking and answering pointless questions.

  • @kerplunk
    291 year ago

    Though this is my first post over here, uninstalled RIF on the 12th (after buying premium as a thanks for the last decade of using that great app) and haven’t been back to reddit since.

    There are certainly plenty of subs I miss and things aren’t all rosy here yet, but I refuse to ever go to reddit again. They brought me from a 4hr/day, decade long happy reddit user to a complete boycott overnight. Amazing business acumen.

    • @MrPoopyButthole
      241 year ago

      You know its just amazing to find all the people with actual strong positive personalities here on Lemmy. People who wouldn’t go back out of principle. I hope it stays this way for a while.

      • @rms1990
        41 year ago

        I’m trying to find a JS free fourm

          • @rms1990
            51 year ago

            I’m basically trying to emulate Richard stallmans life.