There it is, plain as day. He literally just admitted to his crimes.

  • @[email protected]
    1201 year ago

    Wow he really did say it.
    If he isn’t found guilty I’ll lose any faith I have remaining in our justice system.

    • @LavaPlanet
      461 year ago

      I mean. There’s always been a very different justice system for the rich v poor. I’m not expecting much. Slap on the wrist, a little community service that he can pawn off or do in some cushy way. Maybe I’m setting my hopes low, so as to avoid the fall of it does actually turn out that way.

      • @[email protected]
        201 year ago

        Exactly what I’m afraid of. Something like that will not deter anyone else that’s smarter than him to try again. I really hate to say it, but he needs to be made an example of. He’s admitting the crime he’s accused of doing. And he’s a former president.

        It’s a scary time for the U.S.

        • @Cornelius_Wangenheim
          61 year ago

          Unfortunately I think he’s America’s Sulla. Sulla didn’t destroy the Roman Republic, but he fatally wounded it by demonstrating that it was too weak to stop someone like him. All it took was someone more power hungry following in his footsteps to destroy the Republic.

      • @minorninth
        151 year ago

        Usually rich people get out of stuff by hiring smart lawyers and listening to what they say, though.

    • @solstice
      91 year ago

      Certainly does feel like a pivotal time in the republic doesn’t it?

      • @[email protected]
        241 year ago

        It’s interesting a little to me, because growing up everyone has known the system sucks ass. But until Trump I don’t think anyone realized how it sucked ass in a different way. There’s no shadow government. There’s no Big Plan. No one is pulling strings. It’s just assholes being assholes. And whoever has the most assholes in seats is the current winner.

        It’s King of the Hill for people that peaked during highschool.

        All these alt right morons are living in a fantasy.

        • @aesthelete
          1 year ago

          There’s no shadow government. There’s no Big Plan. No one is pulling strings. It’s just assholes being assholes.

          I had the sense before the 2016 election that even some on the left kinda had this impression. That somehow Hilary would be automatically elected, or that there was some mechanism to prevent someone like Trump from getting in there or doing much damage.

          It’s been made very clear to me that nothing much is preventing the country from being run straight into the ground provided the person doing so is elected president. There are no guardrails. The country isn’t baby proofed in any way. Whoever you put in there is literally and figuratively working with live ammo, and the American public will not be safe from them.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            There are no guardrails. The country isn’t baby proofed in any way. Whoever you put in there is literally and figuratively working with live ammo.

            Well yeah, the whole set up is based on the premise that the populace wouldn’t elect an idiot.

          • Takatakatakatakatak
            -21 year ago

            Have you considered the possibility that any deep state actors (that may or may not exist) actually crave the type of destabilizing force that Trump represents?

            Counter to the fairlytales, a country divided is a country easily ruled.

            If you can sew enough division, using fear as a weapon is much easier.

            What better pawn to install as President than Donald fucking Trump?

            They knew his debts. They knew the people who had dirt on him. They knew he was incompetent. They knew he was easily controlled. They knew he was for sale.

            This isn’t rocket science and I’m pretty sure history will eventually prove me right. He’s a weak little piece of shit. A dog that does as he’s told by his masters, including the current line to tow in his definitely 100% real legal dramas.

            It’s all theatre. Barely better acted than American wrestling.

            Your former president is simultaneously fighting to stay out of prison whilst doing his best to run for president again? Please.

            Vince McMahon would be proud.

    • @InternetCitizen2
      41 year ago

      The big problem is that he still has influence over people that will cause trouble in streets if something happens to him. Not different to that time Mexico had to let go of El Chapo’s son because cartel soldiers started causing trouble to get him back. Any other nobody could have their rights violated left and right and no one would stand up for them. If the government tries to do something and then has an uprising it proves they don’t have a monopoly on violence and that could have other knock on political effects.

      Case in point why solidarity is so powerful and unions are fought tooth and nail. These alt right guys are just too far in to deal with the normal tools of the state.

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        Eh I’m not worried about the cosplay weekend warriors. The ones that were on Capital Hill are being punished. If they try anything again they’ll be punished again.
        It’s all talk.

        • @InternetCitizen2
          51 year ago

          Eh I’m not worried about the cosplay weekend warriors

          I mean I don’t want to give them too much credibility, but they can still cause a lot of pain if they wanted too. Especially if they turn to stochastic terrorism.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            If they do, and I’m sure a rare few might, they won’t succeed. Have you ever seen the videos they made before Jan 6th? Half of them had their moms with them, the rest were older idiots that’ve never done anything else in thier lives.

            There won’t be a civil war from these people.
            But they do need to be shut down so there isn’t a next generation wave of them.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        71 year ago

        Too bad - lock him up. And anyone that wants to start some shit over it.

      • @aesthelete
        31 year ago

        I honestly think the bigger worry is our complete inability to have any control over the police in this country combined with what the average policeman thinks of Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      What did he say though? In the text quotes he just says he decided that the election was rigged, he doesn’t say that he knew those claims were false.

      • GreenBottles
        21 year ago

        there’s already a lot of evidence showing that he was told by multiple people that it was not rigged including his own election security team