Just four days out from a government shutdown, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has declared a bipartisan Senate stopgap measure dead on arrival.

Senators, having apparently lost faith in McCarthy’s ability to stave off a shutdown, negotiated a bill late Tuesday night that funds the government until Nov. 17 and includes $12 billion in aid and disaster relief for Ukraine. It’s expected to be voted on by the end of the week before being sent over to the House, and is intended to buy lawmakers more time to hash out a longer-term deal, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.

But, according to Punchbowl News, McCarthy said in a closed-door meeting on Wednesday morning that he wouldn’t take up a bill that includes Ukraine funding but no border security measures. “I don’t see the support in the House,” he reportedly said.

Aid for Ukraine has been one of several sticking points for ultraconservative hardliners in the House who have repeatedly sabotaged McCarthy’s efforts to get spending bills passed.

  • @AllonzeeLV
    1 year ago

    I know I’m in the minority in this, but you know the most fucked up thing?

    This impasse won’t end because of the pressure of federal workers suffering.

    This impasse will end because our credit rating effects the profitability of our capitalist owners, whose sociopathic greed infecting our society is the reason we have sociopathic politicians like McCarthy in the first place.

    Because here in the US, sociopathy is encouraged, even mandated in business by shareholders, hurt whatever peasants you want if it makes you an extra nickel, just not the owners. That was Bernie Madoff’s mistake.

    Edited for spelling

    • @madcaesar
      271 year ago

      Never forget that asshole corps like Toyota went back to funding GOP members despite the fact they tried to end our Democracy.

      • @dangblingus
        101 year ago

        Toyota: “Threat to our democracy? That’s a next month problem. We’ve got a stock that needs a 0.1% boost!”

        • @mriguy
          81 year ago

          Toyota: “Threat to our democracy? No, threat to your democracy. We’re just here to sell cars.”

      • Jeremy [Iowa]
        41 year ago

        It’s not surprising - a captive market can be great for business when one is in good relations with those making the rules.

        On a side note, is there an easy list of these orgs and their contributions?

      • @AllonzeeLV
        221 year ago

        Thank you for repairing that gap in my knowledge.

        • rigatti
          61 year ago

          Excuse me, this is the Internet. You are supposed to either argue that you were right all along or berate the person correcting you.

      • jungle
        1 year ago
