Study reveals some teens receive 5,000 notifications daily, most spend almost two hours on TikTok | Kids officially don’t like Facebook::undefined

  • MeanEYE
    -18 months ago

    So, 2 hours a day, which is more than 700h a year… Imagine if that time was dedicated to something productive. You can learn a number of different languages every year. You can learn carpentry and build things for yourself. You can sail around the world. Instead it’s wasted on watching retards meow and giggle. Holy hell.

    • @[email protected]
      98 months ago

      You can play that game with anything though.

      • watch 1 30min show a day: 182hrs
      • sleep 8hr instead of 7h: 365hrs
      • skip washing your hands during the day: 10-20yrs You called convince yourself to stop exercising? Stop eating breakfast? Stop reading? Stop talking to friends? Stop wasting time on hobbies?

      People can pick what they waste time on for themselves. I’m not going to spend 2hrs/day on social media, but I might play a video game, read a book, hike in the woods, watch a movie, organize photos, whatever. It’s my time, and mentally checking out for a bit doing something that’s not “productive” gives me energy I can apply to other pursuits.

      • MeanEYE
        28 months ago

        You are right of course. It’s just as time goes by I start to value more productive use of it.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        skip washing your hands during the day

        That sounds like a good way to shorten your life.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Oh yeah, definitely an over the top example to point out how micro managing your life isn’t always a good choice… hell, too much stress can kill you and that’s essentially what trying to make the most out of every second will do.

    • @FireRetardant
      68 months ago

      How much cable did previous generations watch? 2 hours in an evening seems reasonable, maybe even low for some people

    • newIdentity
      08 months ago

      So what? Every generation has their form of entertainment. How is this worse than reading a book or watching TV or playing a video game for fun? Or spending your time on Lemmy? Or really just doing anything for fun where you don’t expect an outcome. I don’t want to work every living minute.

      Also yeah, you could learn a language a year if you do it every day but

      1. It needs time to get into it
      2. It’s exhausting
      3. It’s repetitive and gets boring fast.

      Social media is mostly used if you don’t have anything else to do and can’t just leave. So like on the toilet or in school. Also who says they aren’t doing something productive while watching? It makes repetitive tasks less boring. So you can totally still learn carpentry while watching TikTok or anything really.

      Time you enjoy isn’t time bad spend. Why do anything you hate doing? How does sailing around the world or learning a new language makes you enjoy your life more? Also: how is sailing the sea more productive than watching TikTok when most of the time, you do nothing on the ship.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        How does sailing around the world or learning a new language makes you enjoy your life more?

        For the same reason that studying art makes you enjoy life more. You see things you’ve never seen before. You learn new things to appreciate and you learn how to appreciate things in a new way.

    • @MrMcGasion
      08 months ago

      Sailing around the world costs money, but you can learn about other places through other people sharing their experiences on tiktok. There are livestreams teaching language, where you can get a much more personalized teaching and your questions answered without judgement for interrupting, there are carpenters sharing useful tricks, and showing how to build things for yourself. There are livestreams showing how to operate a crane at a shipping port, and what that career is like. TikTok has a lot more than the dancing, meowing, and giggling, although if that’s what you watch a lot of and interact with, it will happily give you only that, but that’s a user problem, not a platform problem.