This is AFTER debloating all the MS bs as much as I can.

The amount of MS telemetry is just mindboggling.

  • @kava
    671 year ago

    And who doesn’t do it?

    OSS operating systems. The more proprietary software you run, the less and less you actually own your computer and the more it becomes a tool to advance the interests of megacorps.

    • Dyskolos
      1 year ago

      Not all. Ubuntu does phone home too. But sure, most don’t. But OSS is not for mainstream-users. I am protected (and just pissed), i was speaking more on behalf of the clueless mass and in general.

      And btw. Your argument fails at phonee. Android and apple suck in regards to privacy. I could use privacy-os’ on my pixel but they all lack boldly. So the moment i leave my perfect private pc, I’m screwed with mobiles again… I doubt there ever will be a viable linux-phone.

        • Dyskolos
          01 year ago

          Last time i tested it, it was kinda just a barebone/PoC. Camera worked like shit and basically everything else too. Granted it was a long time ago. Might’ve changed by now, if that’s what you’re suggesting by that?

          But even if it’d be great, it will never touch mainstream. It’s nerd-stuff, even the work necessary to get it onto non-pixel-phones suck hairy monkeyballs.

          Not to make fun of it or anything. I love that these exist.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Since the sandboxed Google Play Services were developed a year or two ago it’s been excellent, there are only one or two very Googley things (like Google Pay and Android Auto) which you can’t run without issue.

            • Dyskolos
              21 year ago

              That sounds nice. Sadly i rely on android auto as my headunit has no internal navigation. Biggest downer for me was the camera. The FOSS-cams just couldn’t compete with the stupid gcam. Or only with constant fiddling and tweaking.

              Guess I’ll try it again to see. My early-adopter-experience was just very unsatisfying 😁

              • @KrapKake
                21 year ago

                Surely gcam can be installed, i’m using gcam on a oneplus.

                • Dyskolos
                  11 year ago

                  I had many phones with customs and some with graphene. Gcam often did its job (with lots of tweaking) until the next update. Then i was fed up with the constant maintenance. But sure. When it works, it works until you change something. Have a phone with an old lineage and gcam and it’s working like a charm (no uodates in many years). But that was rare. Sadly so.

    • Billiam
      11 year ago

      But to play devil’s (angel’s?) advocate for a minute, Microsoft can’t fix vulnerabilities in Windows without telemetry data. There’s a practically infinite combination of hardware components Windows runs on, and that makes it impossible for Microsoft to find and fix vulnerabilities and bugs in house. Older versions of Windows were so insecure in-part because Microsoft made telemetry reports opt-in, and we all know how likely the average user is to do so.

      Now that’s not to say that everything Microsoft collects is appropriate; I’m only saying there is a valid case for collecting some data from users.

      • @[email protected]
        251 year ago

        If they only used it for that people wouldn’t have a problem with it. The problem is due to their shit business practices no one trusts them (or should trust them). They’ve proved they don’t have their users best interests at heart.

        • @kava
          41 year ago

          They’ve proved they don’t have their users best interests at heart.

          This is true for any for-profit business. They exist strictly to make profit for the shareholders. In fact, the executives can be held legally responsible should they not act in the best interests of the shareholders. By their very nature, no for-profit organizations will EVER have the users best interests at heart.

          • @Iamdanno
            1 year ago

            Not true for “any for-profit business”, but true for “any publicly-traded company”.

            Private corporations are beholden only to the laws of the land.

            • HidingCat
              121 year ago

              That’s why all enshittification usually starts because of publicy-traded companies, or companies trying to go there. We’re mostly here because Reddit wanted to go public.

      • Dyskolos
        41 year ago

        Oh i didn’t mean to say that telemetry is inherently bad. If it really would just be totally anonymous stats the devs would need, yeah sure. Just tell me WHAT EXACTLY it is. Or gimme a preview-option before sending. But it’s mostly stuff that’s none of their beeswax.

        The amount my pihole blocks is titanic. If I’d be paying for traffic that would make a substantial difference.

        • Billiam
          41 year ago

          Oh no worries- I didn’t think you were. Just so many people jump on the “ALL DATA COLLECTION IS SPYING!” bandwagon they don’t realize there can be a perfectly rational reason for doing so that doesn’t reduce down to “The Deep State is watching everything you do!”

          Besides, they do that at your telecom anyway.

          • Dyskolos
            21 year ago

            Lol. Yep. Unless you do vpn. As a dev myself I know the need for telemetry in ever more complex things nowadays. Without a ton of data how should you improve or fix your thing. But i would never collect data that would not be my beeswax. But i also understand how tempting it might be 😔

      • Cosmic Cleric
        11 year ago

        Microsoft can’t fix vulnerabilities in Windows without telemetry data.

        They did so before Telemetry was a thing.