I’ve been seeing a lot of users from alien.top commenting in various threads (mainly sports) lately. They only caught my attention because they are all flagged as bots and I typically manually block most bots (not all because there are some I like). For every one of them their entire post history consists of 1-2 comments or posts. When I took a look at that instance there is nothing there at all and it also shows no users. The comments look human enough but I guess I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that all the comments are LLM generated. Is alien.top just someones LLM experiment or is something else going on here?

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    Please, don’t use the Royal We to make your argument. For every person complaining about the bots, I have two people asking for it and telling me that they are glad they can access content from the niche communities without having to access reddit.

    Anyway, your beloved leaders at LW already defederated from alien.top, so there is nothing you have to worry about. Enjoy your sheltered life.

    • Antik 👾M
      27 months ago

      For everyone complaining about bots you have two that come and tell you that they are glad? I highly doubt it seeing the activity in those communities. You’re not the first one to do this reddit botspam, and our actions against these have been very consistent.

      You can look that up here: https://gui.fediseer.com/instances/detail/lemmy.world

      You create a bot that goes against our publicly-available policy and then you get mad we don’t want to change that policy for you. These rules about bots were put in place because our users requested it. And we are far from the only instance with that policy. Try to do the same on lemm.ee

      Our announcement on the bot rules: https://lemmy.world/post/1860512 Another thread on Reddit repost bots: https://lemmy.world/post/4844752

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        I am not mad. I am just saying that the tool is meant to do more than being just a mirroring bot. At the moment, it is creating bots, but eventually there will be a percentage of those who will be real users.