• @aidan
    111 months ago

    How do you define advertising?? How do you propose you inform people about your product?

      • @aidan
        111 months ago

        You can restructure society to not require profit.

        How do you define profit? If you mean creating value- no, you can’t. Life requires consumption of value. That is food, that is water, and medicine.

        The economy exists currently purely to increase consumption

        No. It exists because people want to exchange what they have for what they want.

          • @aidan
            111 months ago

            So your issue is people consensually exchanging their labor?

              • @karakoram
                111 months ago

                That’s no strawman. You just refuse to see that there is no universal way to decide upon value that fits everyone’s notion of it. If both people in an exchange come away satisfied, did one exploit the other? How do you strictly define the excess value on each side of the transaction? Your idea of a profit-less society doesn’t consider how we’d pragmatically exchange our labor to achieve that.

                  • @karakoram
                    111 months ago

                    We aren’t mind readers. If you think we are wrong, explain why. You can call an attempt at defining your poor communication a strawman, but it only shields your ideas from the test of debate.