• Blackout
      11 months ago

      It’s like the government just stopped caring to protect us at all. Every regulatory system has been broken. You are being sold carcinogens every day and there is no help coming. Have a nice day!

        • @TheBeege
          1811 months ago

          Our parents thought “free handouts” weren’t good for us and were only for “bad people” which was inexplicably often black people

        • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
          1711 months ago

          Your ancestors knew that doing stuff like that wasn’t sustainable. However, instead of leaving the door closed, they opened the door nice and wide, exploited it as long as they could, and then welded the door shut so that no one else could take advantage of the leftovers.

      • @TheGoldenGod
        1911 months ago

        It’s unfortunate, but even without the boomers we might be speed running into a brick wall.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      4211 months ago

      Right?! It’s just tricking people into spending money they shouldn’t.

      • Hank
        5911 months ago

        That’s like 99% of what marketing is.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          2011 months ago

          Which is one of the many reasons why advertising should be illegal with very few exceptions.

          • paraphrand
            1211 months ago

            It’s vile what we consider normal.

          • @aidan
            111 months ago

            How do you define advertising?? How do you propose you inform people about your product?

              • @aidan
                111 months ago

                You can restructure society to not require profit.

                How do you define profit? If you mean creating value- no, you can’t. Life requires consumption of value. That is food, that is water, and medicine.

                The economy exists currently purely to increase consumption

                No. It exists because people want to exchange what they have for what they want.

    • @[email protected]
      2011 months ago

      Next they will have Pizza Mortgages and their logical counterpart, the Reverse Pizza Mortgage.

      • @TheDoctorDonna
        1011 months ago

        " If you own your pizza, you could qualify for a reverse pizza mortgage!"

    • aubertlone
      711 months ago

      Did anybody at all read the article?

      666 people are enrolled in a trial system so that their pizza debts are collected from their estate when they die.

      No interest rate or fees.


      Basically free pizza for life. It’s not predatory, And it’s insane to me that people post articles, even in a comment, without reading them. Because if you had read the article “predatory” would be the furthest thing for your mind. It’s just a gimmick promotion to increase sales

      I definitely wish I was one of those 666 people

        • aubertlone
          211 months ago

          Fair enough.

          And I apologize for the harsh tone.

          I read the article you linked, and I was like “what’s this guy talking about”.

          Have a nice day.

    • @Alexstarfire
      311 months ago

      Shit, if everyone signs up for that what’s to stop them from going bankrupt before you have to pay? Also, what stops people from altering the will after the fact?

        • @Alexstarfire
          111 months ago

          I’m sure companies will be lining up to take debt that pays out on the debtors death.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    You know your life has gone to shit when you have to finance a pizza.

    But most importantly, whichever corporate honchos thought preying on the ultra-poor was a decent thing to do and authorized this scheme should know they’re worthless human beings.

    • @RaoulDook
      211 months ago

      Probably related to the high prices of delivery services. Maybe people wouldn’t think about financing a pizza if the cost wasn’t tripled by delivery.

      I don’t use any delivery service, and I can drive 5 minutes over to Little Caesar’s and get a pizza for about $6, or I can go to Pizza Hut and pick up a better pizza for about $10. But I hear that other people pay vastly higher prices for their unhealthy fast food when they use delivery services.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        211 months ago

        Most pizza places offer free delivery. Don’t use fucking Uber Eats to order a pizza.

        • @FontMasterFlex
          511 months ago

          uh, you should check your receipt. at least in my area, no pizza is delivered for free. it’s always cheaper to go pick it up.

          • [email protected]
            511 months ago

            “Free delivery, with a 15% discount if you pick it up” is a common way to phrase they charge for delivery that plenty of people gloss over.

  • Jo Miran
    6511 months ago

    My wife and I were talking about this earlier. Boomers who managed to save cash were able to put that money into fixed income assets at incredibly high interest rates during the eighties. A 5 year CD in 1984 paid 12%, at renewal in 1989 it was, 9%, then 6.5% at the next renewal in 1994. In 1999 rates started their race to the bottom but stocks skyrocketed. So if you amassed cash in the eighties and nineties through fixed income, you had a great position to capitalize on the dot com boom, buy cheap during its crash, buy cheap real estate after the 2008 financial crash, capitalize on the market rebound, etc. All mostly for free because of timing.

    • @[email protected]
      4111 months ago

      All easy decisions, in hindsight. In reality quite a few missed out completely on all of those or lost significantly. It’s all just some sort of gambling in a casino. I’m sure in hindsight it will be clear which opportunities you missed out on in your time. The big difference is being able to save to start off with, because wages were relatively a lot higher for simple jobs than they are now.

      • Jo Miran
        11 months ago

        That’s why I started by highlighting the fixed income stuff like five year CDs. I remember my mother and grandmother putting their money in those and bonds and how well it served them into retirement. Those weren’t hindsight. Back then, working families put their money in savings. Sure there were Wall Street cocaine yuppies making insane money but, at least in my household, that was just the stuff of movies.

        I’m not fully disagreeing with you. I just think both aspects made a difference. Higher wages and a feasible way to save your money without having to partake in the casino was key. I look at millennials and zoomers and I see none of that. Low wages, higher cost, and the only way to save for retirement is by betting everything you’ve got on a system that’s heavily rigged against you as a retail investor. As Gen-X at least we had the chance to make our own wealth by creating an entire new industry. My younger siblings and my children would have had none of that, if I had siblings or children. /Rant

        EDIT: The eternal battle with autocorrect

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        Yeah. People could also get rich now on crypto, but that’s easy to say in hindsight, it was all a gamble, and just as many people lost a whole lot.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      covid crash happened only a few years ago and looking back it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Of course at the time there was a very real possibility that society was collapsing and there wouldn’t be a stock market in a year or so.

      everything’s easy in hindsight

  • @ghostdoggtv
    5211 months ago

    Domino’s barely even puts sauce on the fucking pizza anymore. Fuck the economy.

    • @[email protected]
      811 months ago

      Costco pizza is the best. I just wish they had more variety.

      Also I wish I could just order on my phone and then pick up when I’m done shopping, rather than having to queue for 15 minutes to order and then wait another 15 while they cook it.

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        11 months ago

        Costco pizza is the best.

        Man, idk what kind of pizza options you have in your area, but I’m sorry that none of them are good.

        • Hazmatastic
          411 months ago

          Costco pizza is fire. If you dab some grease off and try to ignore the feeling of your arteries actively clogging, it’s pretty damn good

  • @j4k3
    3911 months ago

    “You will own nothing and you will be happy about it.” -1100 c.e. The Feudal System

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      811 months ago

      Feudal peasants actually got a decent amount of time off, because the landlords understood that they had to keep the masses happy. Medieval peasants had an average of like four months of vacation time a year. Basically, the ruling class knew that the only thing stopping the peasants from marching up to the castle with pitchforks was the peasants’ own sense of civility.

      • @Zoboomafoo
        1111 months ago

        And by “vacation”, you mean “Time spent working not to pay taxes”

      • Franzia
        211 months ago

        My gut says medieval peasants had to use that time on chores. Where can I read about how medieval peasants had like, a good time? And that they weren’t unhappy enough to kill their Lords?

  • @Heisenburner
    2311 months ago

    As if advertisement wasn’t already the most insidious part of everyday life, now they’re also laughing at us and the capitalist hellscape they’ve put us in.

    • diprount_tomato
      311 months ago

      Not really capitalism if they got the government’s economic and political support against competitors. I’d really call it Neomercantilism more than anything

  • @[email protected]
    2011 months ago

    What’s the interest charged? If they’re charging 0% of interest then it could be a good decision if you have an account that pay interest over thar time. Obviously, it also assumed that ypu were already going to buy a pizza anyway.

    • @Blum0108
      2411 months ago

      6 weeks of interest at 0.25%apr compounded daily on a ten dollar pizza is 0.34 cents, or 0.0034 dollars. Might not be worth it, but ymmv.

      • @meliaesc
        511 months ago

        My APR is 4.26 at Discover, Ally, and Sofi… that’s like 17x the pennies!

    • @meliaesc
      411 months ago

      If you’re catering some huge event (…with pizza, apparently), it would absolutely make sense.

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    1911 months ago

    Today’s Behind the Bastards is about how Christianity was eaten by capitalism. The super far right propaganda campaign like FOX news and PragerU started before WWII when pastors were all far left champions of the poor. (Contrast today.)

    Seems relevant.

    FDR’s New Deal was meant to stop the Great Depression from turning into a socialist revolution (We were watching the early USSR play out).

    • @ours
      1911 months ago

      Interesting, I’ve always wondered how American Christianity managed to be so right-wing despite being based on the idea of a rebellious, anti-materialist, proto-socialist, proto-hippie Middle-Eastern figure.

      I’m not religious but was raised Christian so the contrast between their interpretation of Christianity and the “teachings of Christ” are baffling.

    • Franzia
      311 months ago

      Maybe the tankies will actually save us. If we can get another red scare going our government might step towards social democracy for a change.

  • @[email protected]
    1711 months ago

    Cardboard? Are you talking about the pizza, or the build quality of a lot of new houses I’ve seen?

  • @x4740N
    1011 months ago

    Born to early to experience a capitalist free post scarcity solarpunk utopia

  • Eochaid
    -2111 months ago

    If you need to finance a pizza over 6 weeks, you were never going to do the other two things either.

    • @[email protected]
      711 months ago

      It won’t let you finance under$50 I checked it out. So I imagine this may be for parties but then I’d just buy a bunch of Little Sleazers and call it a day.

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        I’d just make it myself. You could make it yourself with better ingredients for the price of cheap pizza, or you could slice up veggies and put it on a frozen pizza if you’re not great at cooking

        Not a lot cheaper, but so, so much better

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          Oh you’re absolutely right. Even the cheap pizza dough kit is better. Making tomato sauce is crazy ready too.

    • @Shardikprime
      011 months ago

      Harsh but fair. An average pizza combo would be about 15 bucks.

      Having an unhealthy diet and eating 3 daily for a month would be about 1300 USD monthly, about 16k a year.

      The median mortgage payment is about 1600 USD and you’d need to save about 2500 USD monthly for a year for an average down payment for a house, of about 30k. In total 4k monthly give or take. Add 4k for col and you have 8k monthly for expenses with no weird shit happening to you, yet

      So in order to not be affected by these pizzamania scenario, you’d have to earn and 80k annual salary and be able to save more than half of it monthly.

      That’s all assuming you have no weird medical emergencies, which you won’t have.

      At least until the diarrea hits