Which is why the price starts raising a couple months before stuff like this. So it looks like a real sale, it should really be the lowest advertised price over the last year
Yesssss let’s make sure small business owners get sued into oblivion because we don’t like their prices hell yeah your Amazon package was delivered today my good sir
Yeah, that’s illegal.
Illegal here, too, but the government doesn’t care.
Not in Freedomtopia
Might be in the US… not here.
It is in Europe. The advertised ‘from’ price must be the lowest price of the last 30 days.
Which is why the price starts raising a couple months before stuff like this. So it looks like a real sale, it should really be the lowest advertised price over the last year
I live in Europe, but my country is not part of the EU. That’s probably EU regulations/laws.
This happens all the time in the US.
It’s illegal in the US.
But uh, so is catching a fish with your bare hands in Kansas.
Small town business man… xD…
Report to the FTC.
Yesssss let’s make sure small business owners get sued into oblivion because we don’t like their prices hell yeah your Amazon package was delivered today my good sir
Being a small town business doesn’t automatically make you a saint. They still need to follow the rules they signed up for.
And two things can be bad at once.
Europe ar least
Common practice in digital game stores
Circling back https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1728455976347480064/pu/vid/avc1/576x1024/m41EdpbOvvnog6Wh.mp4?tag=12