I don’t understand why it took us 50 years to figure out how to do encrypted messaging-over-email. Anyone wanna swap email addresses?

    • SybilOP
      76 months ago

      Why send messages (encrypted or not) across multiple providers that get to see who you are communicating with, when you are communicating, and how often you are communicating? (i.e. why not just use a dedicated messaging app that we know doesn’t suck?)

      who do you KNOW doesn’t suck? myself, i like disroot, but i still prefer to encrypt any comms that go across their services, because i can’t explicitly trust them. i don’t even (really) trust riseup.net. it’s always best to encrypt anything thats sensitive yourself and control the keys.

        • SybilOP
          36 months ago

          i think it’s worth pointing out that pgp-protected messages would still be secure in the case of the kolektiva breach, not that anyone is e2ee for mastodon messages.

        • SybilOP
          06 months ago

          if you (and your friends) control your (and their) keys, then the actual contents of your communications can’t be compromised. i think email is fine if you understand the limitations.

            • SybilOP
              06 months ago

              i would never bother with anything that i consider to be highly secure over any clearnet service. but for keeping advertisers out of my messages or just run of the mill dragnets, or spot-censorship (like how facebook or others forbid certain links), i think deltachat is a really reasonable solution.

              but to this point:

              , it is inadvisable for privacy to keep data (even in an encrypted form) on a server post delivery.

              deltachat has an option to delete server-side.

                • SybilOP
                  06 months ago

                  you’re asking more than i really know here. i haven’t even convinced any of my friends to use it. it was hard enough getting their email addresses lol.

                • SybilOP
                  06 months ago

                  this is my settings screen. it looks like you would need to actually ask your friends to turn on the server-side purging.

    • SybilOP
      06 months ago

      What will this do to your traditional email inbox?

      if you are a deltachat user, it creates a directory for your deltachat messages. if not… you are strongly encouraged to use deltachat :P

        • SybilOP
          06 months ago

          maybe. depends on your client or provider

    • SybilOP
      -46 months ago

      What about Protonmail or other email services that doesn’t directly connect to conventional email protocols?

      personally, i don’t trust protonmail, so i haven’t tried it, but i think… it just doesn’t work lol.