Some of Reddit’s most popular communities have posted open letters to the company with a series of requests regarding many key issues at the heart of the recent protests on the platform. They want a response by June 29th.

  • @Chatotorix
    561 year ago

    Interesting how the first thing I felt when I read this was, “I hope Reddit doesn’t”.

    Incredible how fast my fondness of Reddit went away in 1 week.

    • The Snark Urge
      251 year ago

      It’s a platform whose time to die has arrived. The corpos are getting their hands on it, and nothing punk can be done with it anymore.

      • @LaunchesKayaks
        141 year ago

        Fuck corpo shit. Burn corpo shit.

        My hope is that all this drama makes the IPO not happen.

        • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
          71 year ago

          My hope is that all this drama makes the IPO not happen.

          Nah, it would be better if IPO happens and the company’s value evaporates overnight.

          Probably wouldn’t happen, but one can dream.

          • The Snark Urge
            41 year ago

            Hi look at Robinhood’s stock chart since its IPO.

            Robinhood got on our bad side, remember? We did some hella punk shit on Reddit.

            Nowadays you can’t use reddit like that. Bots, paid shills, shadow bans, silenced subreddits, co-opted mods, and now you can’t even take your sub dark in protest. You’re either a profitable end user or entirely unwelcome.

    • @BigDiction
      171 year ago

      Agreed. Among many things, the whole debacle seemed to expose that no significant roadmap space was actually dedicated to improving the user experience. I saw the turn time on accessibility. Good luck actually developing all the stated improvements in the middle of summer. Even if they literally reversed on everything I still wouldn’t good back.

      • @SheeEttin
        31 year ago

        That’s been obvious since new reddit was released. Nobody asked for that. And the video player has been broken since it was released too. The chat has been full of spam since day one.