• @Jackcooper
    12410 months ago

    I swear Scottish people are the only ones who type in their own phonetic accent

        • @force
          10 months ago

          yea and galician “looks like” a dialect of spanish, norwegian “looks like” a dialect of danish, and afrikaans “looks like” a dialect of dutch. hell, i can say english “looks like” a dialect of ulster scots. “dialect”/“accent” and “language” are meaningless words

          that being said the text in this post is scottish english, not scots

            • @[email protected]
              410 months ago

              Wikipedia does explain that Scots and English are sister languages, they both descend from Old English. Neither is a dialect.

      • @[email protected]
        1910 months ago

        A geh, is doch iagendwie liab, oda?

        Übahaupt, jetzt wo si Hochdeutsch imma mea duachsetzt, und vü junge Leit übahaupt nimma richtig östareichisch1 redn leanan, missn ma doch schaun, dass unsa Sproch net oafoch ausstiabt, oda?

        Mia hom a a longe Tradition, wonns um Mundoatdichtung geht. Da Dichta von da obaöstareichischn Hymne zum Beispü, da Stelzhamer Franz, hot gonz vü in Mundoat gschribn.

        Und weis ma grod eifoit: Es gibt a a eigene Wikipedia in unsam Dialekt: https://bar.wikipedia.org/ Oba do dua i ma söm schwah, dass i des vasteh. De is scho in da äagstn von de oagn Mundoatn gschribm.

        (So, jetzt woas i net, wöcha Sproch i im Dropdown do untn auswöhn soid… Wei wirklich Deitsch is des jo net…)

        [1] I am fully aware that the dialect I’m writing in is not called “Austrian”. The two big dialects spoken in Austria are “Alemannic” and “Bavarian”, and the one I’m writing is the Bavarian dialect. I’m only using the word “östareichisch” here, because that’s what I expect most people to use in spoken conversation.

        • @[email protected]
          910 months ago

          Oh Gott, Oida. Ich habs gerade geschafft, den Text zu entziffern. Aber ernsthaft, ich glaub bei sowas immer auf den ersten Blick, dass da wer nen Schlaganfall bekommen hat und einfach mit dem Gesicht über die Tastatur gerollt ist lol.

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            War ja auch nicht ernst gemeint. Ich bin bei diversen Chats im Freundeskreis eigentlich immer der einzige, der auf Hochdeutsch antwortet 😉.

        • @ordellrb
          510 months ago

          Non e Gruess vor schwiz

    • Stamets
      2210 months ago

      Newfies do the same. Was a whole fuckin thing to unlearn when I found the Internet lol

      • @Jackcooper
        3810 months ago

        I’m a northerner and I still had to accept the unimpeachable logic that y’all is a versatile and useful word

        • @[email protected]
          1610 months ago

          The English language is sorely lacking gender neutral pronouns so it’s nice that one is getting added

              • @HowManyNimons
                10 months ago

                “You” is gender neutral, in its singular and plural form. “Y’all” is a useful plural form of “you” but as a New Zealand-English hybrid I do not have the accent to pull it off. If I could shift my accent further north perhaps I could get away with “thou” and “ye” for singular and plural forms, but only where they fit grammatically.

                • @[email protected]
                  110 months ago

                  It is explicitly plural where ‘you’ is hard to pull off as plural because it leans heavily towards singular, just like ‘they’ leans heavily towards plural. At least in the US afaik the main competitor is ‘you guys’ for plural, which is one of those terms that is normally meant as gender neutral but the words clearly are not. So despite being from a place where that is the correct way to say it I’m in favor of y’all becoming the standard across the whole language, which it seems like it might be moving towards doing.

          • @SCB
            610 months ago

            “ya’ll” is also American English’s answer to the problem of not have a plural form of “you” (see also: “you guys” or “you all” from which ya’ll is derived).

            Due to English being heavily influenced by Romance languages, but not taking its grammatical structure purely from them, we really had no single-word version of “vous” (I don’t know other romance languages aside from French).

        • @dejected_warp_core
          210 months ago

          Easily America’s best contribution to civilization, after “right (turns) on red”.

          And I’m glad it’s catching on instead of “you’uns”, “yuns”, or “yous”.

          • @Demdaru
            010 months ago

            Is it tho? I have to often times actually cool off people I know because they praise USA so hard without knowing shit.

      • Lemminary
        1910 months ago

        I’m not American and I will forever type y’all because it’s useful and I like it lol

      • @[email protected]
        910 months ago

        Y’all is just a useful word, other ways of referring to a group of people are ambiguous, esp. now that They doesn’t always mean multiple