2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.

  • Rob Bos
    -101 year ago

    I played a lot of WoW back then, it ran fine. Speaking personally. I guess if you want to gatekeep gamer hard enough you could call Linux nonviable back then but I always thought it was dumb. A ball and a deck of cards are viable gaming platforms. :p

    • @MeatsOfRage
      121 year ago

      And that’s fine, you had your game that ran well. We’re not gate keeping here, we’re just talking about the reality that most people want to play a wide variety of games and that simply wasn’t something you were able to do then. We’re also not saying that’s the case today, things have changed and we should celebrate that.

      • Rob Bos
        -61 year ago

        There was a good selection back then too is what I’m saying. Minecraft. Literally every web based game. It was a fine gaming platform, there was more than enough to keep you busy, if you weren’t picky.

          • Rob Bos
            11 year ago

            Agreed! Way better. I just hate how ‘viable’ is such a moving target. You can always find SOMETHING to dismiss it with. Linux is ‘unviable’ because of some random game that doesn’t work or because of some new feature in the latest whizbang. If that is viable we’ll never be there.

            Viable is when it meets one’s needs sufficiently, not when it can do some impossible list of tasks perfectly. Viable isn’t perfect, and I hate it when people pretend it is.

          • Cosmic Cleric
            31 year ago

            Chess is a really good game too

            You have to play it in full screen mode though. When you play it windowed the wind keeps knocking the board over.

    • Rob Bos
      -51 year ago

      I guess ‘viable’ means different things? Is this an American usage where something isn’t viable unless it can do literally all the things?

      Xbox isn’t a viable platform because you can’t play world of Warcraft!

      • @MeatsOfRage
        61 year ago

        I’m not American so I don’t know where this is coming from but you have to consider different contexts for the word. Viability is going to differ based on needs.