2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    Noo please don’t Ubuntu. Just plain debian or mint debian instead for the closest thing without canonical. Ubuntu is based on debian and all the actual reasons to use it over debian ended probably like a decade or so ago.

    I don’t think there are many distro specific proton issues, if they exist at all. I’ve switched from arch to tumbleweed to bazzite(ublue/fedora based) and the only issues were unrelated to gaming. Proton would work on a toaster if it had a display and a vulkan compatible GPU.

    • @pkpenguin
      431 year ago

      Someone who’s going to use Ubuntu wouldn’t know what “debian,” “mint debian,” or “canonical” are. You should include an actual explanation or link to what you’re referring to when trying to help beginners otherwise you’ve failed to help them

    • Corgana
      1 year ago

      ubuntu is fine lol especially for a newbie. Zorin is really familliar for a windows user.

      • @kronarbob
        61 year ago

        I’m not sure for Ubuntu… I’ve seen here and there that some snap are still not as good as flatpak or .deb.

        Especially the steam one where some games wouldn’t launch on the snap but do with the flatpak or the .deb. Progress are made regularly, but until the snaps aren’t on par with other packages type, I wouldn’t recommand Ubuntu for beginners.

        Distro based on it, without snap, yeah sure. Pop OS, tuxedo OS, Mint, Debian… There is a lot of alternative where you do not have to struggle on forced non finished applications.

      • @kier
        21 year ago

        And even not for newbies. I’ve using so many distros in the part 15 years, and I still prefer Ubuntu. (Or maybe Fedora)

    • @kuneho
      121 year ago

      Debian is the way

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I’ve had exactly zero issues with steam on NixOS. It might actually be the best distro to choose short of the officially supported ones as steam runs in chroot with exactly what it’s expecting in terms of libraries etc. Not a beginner-friendly distro though, user base is pretty much made up of devops, functional programmers, programmers appreciating replicable environments and willing to tolerate nix, as well as the odd enthusiast tinkerer.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Nixos user here, ive used it on nixos with meh experiences. Especially with proton + the witcher 3 for example. Have to install it through flatpak for better compatibility.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          Try switching Witcher 3 from using fullscreen to borderless window or the other way around, that fixed the fullscreen issues for me, it’s just the game getting confused about whether it has focus or not. That was before the update though haven’t tried since then.

          That’s a general proton issue though and not NixOS, fullscreen just is fickle on windows and that extends to an emulated windows.