• @dragontamer
    9 months ago

    The nazis didn’t just kill jews.

    Okay, go tell the American people that. They’ll get confused. I promise you. The politics will not work the way you expect.

    Nazis == Holocaust. That’s the #1 focus in our schools. You’re going to be working against like, our culture, if you try to go deeper than that. As I said earlier, this line of discussion will not go the way you expect.

    • bane_killgrind
      239 months ago

      The internet is not American

      Any government is capable of fascism and capable of genocide. If that’s too complicated for you, go sit at the kids ta-… Don’t talk to my kids go sit outside.

      • @dragontamer
        -209 months ago

        Any government is capable of fascism and capable of genocide.

        There’s an explicitly fascist and genocidal player in this conflict. And spoiler alert, it isn’t the Israelis.

        I think you might want to check on the people who had an election on 25 January 2006, seized power after that and refused any further elections. Explicitly run a Muslim ethno-state and terrorist tactics, and wish to kill the Jews from “River to the Sea”.

        • ???OP
          129 months ago

          It isn’t Israelis. It’s Israel, though, as a country. An apartheid country.

        • @cogman
          99 months ago

          Hey ding dong, not every Palestinian is a member of Hamas and the average age of Palestinians is 19. The average Palestinian did not vote in 2006.

          Yet Israel cut the power, food, and aid for the entire nation because of terrorists that live among them. Then they proceeded to murder over 20,000 civilians (almost certainly an undercount). And in their bloodlust, they managed to execute 3 people waving a white flag with their shirts off… Hostages.

          You want to talk about how terrible Hamas is when the IDF is indiscriminately killing everyone they find? Dropping bombs in the most population dense regions of the world?

          The world isn’t black and white, there can be two terrible actors. And right now, the IDF has already killed 20x the number of people killed by Hamas on Oct 7. With no signs of wanting to stop.

          And for someone that wants to “school” people on history, perhaps take the 5 seconds to Google what “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” means. Hint, it’s not “kill all the Jews in Israel”.

          • @dragontamer
            -59 months ago

            Hmmm. I wonder how we can solve those problems.

            Maybe Hamas should get uniforms and follow the international rules of War so that Israel knows who to bomb and who is a civilian. Hmmmmm?

            Without uniforms, without a regular army, Hamas is causing this problem to occur to their own people.

            Geniva conventions don’t just apply to Israel. They also apply to Hamas, and Hamas is breaking a metric ton of rules here. The natural result is that Israel doesn’t want to play by the rules either.

            • @cogman
              9 months ago

              You should reread what you just wrote. Because Hamas is immoral, Israel can be immoral.

              Really reflect on that. Sit with the fact that you just cheered on Israel for murdering Jewish hostages.

              Perhaps you might understand why you and everyone that thinks like you are being called a Nazi. You don’t care about wonton killing because the dirty Palestinians have it coming. After all, they aren’t human, they are animals that are breeding too heavily. Correct?

              • @dragontamer
                9 months ago

                You don’t care

                Stuffing words in my mouth isn’t a debate yo. But if it makes you feel like an adult feel free to do it I guess.

                In the meantime,. Simply pointing out that genocide is a term above and beyond Israel’s conduct and y’all go fucking nuts over the simple fact.

                As I stated before: USA killed way more Japs during the Firebombing campaign of Tokyo and 2x nuclear weapons upon cities. There is a huge difference between brutality (and what is forgivable in war) vs genocide, the unforgivable.

                But y’all are apparently unstudied in History and everything is just black and white to you. Life is more than just Nazi / not a Nazi.

                After all, they aren’t human

                Erm. Geniva conventions… Like rules on how to surrender or wearing uniforms is about protecting your side.

                If a soldier shoots at the enemy and then runs into a Hospital, and keeps on shooting, Geniva Conventions are rightfully suspended and you are legally allowed to shoot at the Hospital.

                Do you know how war works? We have rules. If you don’t follow the rules the enemy doesn’t have to follow the rules.

                Hamas is an irregular army that fights using dishonorable tactics. They do not deserve Geneva Conventions because they themselves do not follow them.

                It’s like how the Russians attacked those surrendering Ukrainians on camera. That’s a war crime. What does that mean? It means that Ukrainians don’t feel like performing official surrender routines as per war conventions anymore.

                There’s no one out there who enforces war crimes. It’s all just a code of honor. But if the enemy doesn’t follow the code, then the code is rightfully suspended.

                It has nothing to do with humanity and everything to do with practicality.

                • @cogman
                  09 months ago

                  Gotcha, so because hamas isn’t playing dress up, it’s ok to murder children. After all, it’s very practical to just shoot and bomb everything. A final solution of sorts.

                  • @dragontamer
                    9 months ago

                    This saddens me because my right wing buddies warned about how dumb y’all were with the Nazi comparisons. I didn’t believe him, but you’ve convinced me.

                    Last word of advice: stop proving my far right friends correct. What you are doing right now is such a hilariously bad argument that it’s literally pushing me to agree with the far right.

                    Fortunately, there are other, smarter, people to discuss this issue with around here.

                    I highly suggest you talk with someone with war experience by the way. It’s clear you are ignorant on those matters. There are plenty of veterans who can tell you about the importance of uniforms and how/why uniforms protect civilians.

                    War goals will be met by warring parties. The point is to give fair fights to differentiate civilians from military. If you forget military uniforms then yes, it basically condemns the local population to getting shot up by the soldiers. No one likes it when this happens, but yeah, you need to dress differently and highlight yourself as a legitimate target as per modern rules and conventions of war.

                    That’s the rule. That’s the Geneva convention. If you don’t like it, then change the rule I guess or something, but good luck getting the United Nations to agree on a new set of rules.

                    These conventions and agreements are far bigger than you or me. It’s not about like or dislike of the rules. I’m just letting ya know what the rules that have been established are.

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              Hamas also plays recordings of Hebrew in order to draw in IDF soldiers… who are then ambushed. Hence the shooting at the people waving white flags. Hamas has intentionally turned the entire strip into a conflict zone. They need civilians dead in order to keep their supporters riled up and ya, we’re all really worked up about it.

    • DeepFriedDresden
      179 months ago

      American here. Would you care to explain to me how Israel can be compared to Nazis? My stupid brain can only understand Good guy vs bad guy movie tropes. Please give me a break.

      I went to public school and can clearly see the comparison between a far-right Zionist Israel and Nazism without getting tripped up on the Jews being the largest target during the Holocaust. Not only that, but with the shrinking of Palestinian owned land and illegal Israeli Settlers I can also make the comparison to Manifest Destiny and the relocation of Native American people, even though Palestinians aren’t Cherokee.

      Attempting to expand Israeli lands for Israeli jews and pushing out Palestinians with no source of aid for those displaced, as well as blocking aid and giving extremely short timelines to escape the encroaching Frontlines very much falls in line with Nazi ideology.

      The Nation of Islam and the American Nazi Party had common goals despite being mutually exclusive. I don’t think it’s that far of a stretch to compare Israel with the Nazis.

      • @dragontamer
        9 months ago

        In particular, Israeli borders have been set since 1967 and they even returned the Sinai peninsula after the 7 day war.

        So please, show me where Israeli conquest in the past 50 years (1973 to 2023) led to expanded Israeli territory.

        Ah right, there wasn’t any expansion of territory at all. It’s like they aren’t invoking Lebensraum at all.

        illegal Israeli Settlers

        Yes. This is a problem. But they are as you put it, illegal. The issue here is not one of law or even the Israeli government, but instead the people at the bottom trying to reclaim their lands. Or so they think anyway, everyone has a claim here so it gets rather complex.

        Israel needs to punish those illegal settlers in the West Bank more. But guess what? The West Bank settler issue is in the West Bank, not Gaza.

        So if you are talking about Gaza specifically, you’ve already lost the settler debate because there are no Israeli Settlers moving into Gaza.

        • Norgur
          119 months ago

          “invoking Lebensraum” sounds so awfully off. You apporach this discussion in a condescending fashion, yet you sound rather… superficially informed. “Lebensraum” is not a program that gets “invoked”. It’s the German word for “habitat” or “living space” and was not as prevalent in Nazi ideology as especially US-discussions make it seem. Furthermore, “Lebensraum” alone is not a Nazi-thing. It’s “Lebensraum im Osten”. “Lebensraum” is a word that’s common in German today. “Der Lebensraum des Pandabären ist in Gefahr” “The habitat of the pandabear is in danger”. So whenever someone starts yelling “Lebensraum” and starts to act smug in Nazi-debates, they actually disqualified themselves to German ears.

          • @dragontamer
            -139 months ago

            Okay cool. So tell me when the Israelis have called for it.

            You’re begging the question and avoiding the crux of the issue, because you know you this entire line of discussion is bullshit. And I don’t blame you. I’m just calling yall out on it.

    • @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      Even if it’s not effective the comparison still holds true. I honestly don’t know the best way to approach people who deny genocide. But I think not calling something for what it is is a mistake.

    • ???OP
      9 months ago

      Okay, go tell the American people that.

      Gosh, you know, I didn’t want to debate you but for the love of fuck, just admit you are wrong for one second.

      What? Tell the American people history? Really? Ugh. Somehow you seem to believe that what you were taught as a kid is necessarily true because you got taught that, no other reason whatsoever.

      You’re going to be working against like, our culture,

      You keep saying WE, and OUR, but I doubt that most Americans would associate with you.

      • @dragontamer
        9 months ago

        just admit you are wrong for one second.

        I thought you wanted to leave the debate yesterday?

        Whatever. I’m wrong. Happy? Feels shallow doesn’t it? That’s probably not what you wanted.

        If you actually want to pick up where the discussion left off, my latest post and point-counterpoint is over there. Not here. We already covered this post.

        Edit: I’m fine picking back where we left off. But if you want to rehash and replay our debate yesterday, just reread what we already wrote. I’m not wasting my time replaying the same conversation.

        • ???OP
          19 months ago

          Yeah, I’d be happy if you meant it. /: