edit: GUYS fuck stalin and fuck tankies, period. i understand that this community is more sensitive than most to pro-stalinist vibes, and i apologize for unintentionally twinging that nerve, but you need stop calling each other (and me) slurs

good heavens, happy new year, fuck incarceration and murder in all forms

(mods pls also do your job and help with the slurs thing)

edit2: big thank u 2 da mods for helping with the slurs thing u guys rock 😎 💕

  • @you_dont_666
    01 year ago

    I bet you can neither define proletariat nor bourgeois.

    • @AngryCommieKender
      11 year ago

      Proletariat = working class, aka not capitalists.

      Bourgeois = owner class, aka the aristocracy under the various kings/queens, or the capitalists in a democratic nation.

      • @you_dont_666
        01 year ago

        Are you implying that people who owns businesses do not work?

        • @AngryCommieKender
          11 year ago

          No. Whether or not the bourgeois works is irrelivent. Their capital “earns” them more money than they could ever make on their own.

          • @you_dont_666
            01 year ago

            You think that every owner of businesses earns the owners more money than they could ever make on their own? Do you think that businesses always have to be multiple people? Do you think that the ones owning businesses and providing jobs for other people are worse people than if they would not earn something for it?

            You do realize that the world has become a better place, thanks to capitalism, not because of communism?

            You do know that people flee from communist dictatorships, not the otherway around.

            How would you motivate people to do necessary, but maybe not so pleasant jobs, in the society if not by gaining something?

            I realize that I am talking with a communist and nothing I say will change that, so I guess this is meaningless.

            • @AngryCommieKender
              11 year ago

              Communism is antithetical to dictatorships. If the country has an authoritarian leader, they aren’t communist.

              Capitalism needlessly starves 20,000,000 people per year globally to keep their profit margins. Those authoritarian dictatorships that people flee caused 100,000,000 deaths over an entire century, according to the west, therefore capitalism is far more costly in human lives than any other econimic model.

              BTW. Capitalism and communism are economic models, not government structures. Communists are democratic.

              I know for a fact, that once you are “making” more than a certain amount, that you are stealing labor costs from your employees, or the employees of your investments.

              • @you_dont_666
                01 year ago

                There are problems with capitalism, of course. But strong regulated capitalism is currently the best economic system we have.

                What people that think communism is the answer fail the realize, is that people are different. We want different things and have different goals. What will happen with the people that do not want to live in a communist society? We already know the answer, they will be killed.

                One big difference is that in a capitalist society, communists are free to create their own little commie space without anyone objecting or interfering. In a communist society…well, the ones that don’t comply with the crazy ideas will be killed.

                I don’t even think that communism is a good idea in theory. Mainly because, as a base assumption, it divides people into good and bad. That’s naive, to say the least.

                  • @you_dont_666
                    01 year ago

                    Ok, let’s pretend I can’t and stop there.

                    When you can give me an example of a successful communist country, then I will join your side.

              • @you_dont_666
                01 year ago

                Your answer is basically: “That was not real communism, but next time it will work”