 * This DOT code is provided under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.
 * For details, see: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/

digraph cooking_stick {


	node [shape=box]
	node [width=1.0]

	here [shape=diamond label="start\nhere"]
	nonstick [label="non-stick"]
	nonspray [label="non-spray"]
	noncooking [label="non-cooking"]

	nt_cooking [label="cooking"]
	nt_spray [label="spray"]

	ns_cooking [label="cooking"]
	ns_stick [label="stick"]

	nc_spray [label="spray"]
	nc_stick [label="stick"]

	nt_c_s [label="spray"]
	nt_s_c [label="cooking"]
	ns_c_t [label="stick"]
	ns_t_c [label="cooking"]
	nc_s_t [label="stick"]
	nc_t_s [label="spray"]

	node [width=1.6 height=1.5 fixedsize=true]
	nt_c_s_i [label="" image="nt_c_s.jpg"]
	nt_s_c_i [label="" image="nt_s_c.jpg"]
	ns_c_t_i [label="" image="ns_c_t.jpg"]
	ns_t_c_i [label="" image="ns_t_c.jpg"]
	nc_t_s_i [label="" image="nc_t_s.jpg"]
	nc_s_t_i [label="" image="nc_s_t.jpg"]

	here -> nonstick
	here -> noncooking
	here -> nonspray

	nonstick -> nt_cooking
	nonstick -> nt_spray

	nonspray -> ns_cooking
	nonspray -> ns_stick

	noncooking -> nc_spray
	noncooking -> nc_stick

	nt_cooking -> nt_c_s
	nt_spray -> nt_s_c
	ns_cooking -> ns_c_t
	ns_stick -> ns_t_c
	nc_stick -> nc_t_s
	nc_spray -> nc_s_t

	nt_c_s -> nt_c_s_i
	nt_s_c -> nt_s_c_i
	ns_c_t -> ns_c_t_i
	ns_t_c -> ns_t_c_i
	nc_t_s -> nc_t_s_i
	nc_s_t -> nc_s_t_i
  • @tpihkal
    151 year ago

    I don’t see non-cooking non-stick spray which leaves me in a predicament.

      • @renzevOP
        1 year ago

        stick cooking spray: some kind of heat resistant food-grade spray-on adhesive?

    • @renzevOP
      1 year ago

      I thought about adding a new branch for this, but honestly having more than one “non” is kind of boring. Like, non-stick non-spray cooking: pretty much most kinds of cooking. Non-cooking non-spray stick: any random stick you found on the ground. non-cooking non-stick spray being wd40 is the only kind of funny one of the three imo