• @_number8_OP
    219 months ago

    what a surprise

    this is in no small part because, i think, he’s the only guy in the entire race who’s actually an entertaining speaker. he’s literally an entertainer, he just does riffs for an hour rather than droning on like every other politician ever. i know he’s also evil, but it’s a brilliant strategy. no one cares if you got the minutae of the 1994 pipeline marginalization act correct, people want to have a good time! simple as that

    • @zeppo
      159 months ago

      It’s natural for him. He couldn’t read a speech and sound good at all, and he sure as hell couldn’t talk about policy for a couple hours. The content of what he says is jingoistic, self-aggrandizing, vindictive, often nonsensical and generally awful, but that works great for his target audience, who have been raised on pastors saying nonsensical crap and outlets like Fox who were talking nasty nonsense years before Trump was a politician.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      I guess he’s entertaining for some people, but that fucker’s voice makes my skin crawl.

      • squiblet
        29 months ago

        I hate hearing people like Hannity or Limbaugh more, or whatever wretched people they have on Fox now whose job is to make nasty faces when they mention Democrats, but have definitely been sick of Trump’s shit for quite a while now.

    • @A_A
      79 months ago

      Americans can see entertainers everywhere else if they wish to. But now, it’s time to choose a good president, not a clown. So, if they do otherwise, well, too bad for them.

      • @ZoopZeZoop
        119 months ago

        Too bad for us all. However, it’s not just the entertainment. People are miserable and scared. They want to blame someone for it. No one wants to blame themselves. So, who are you going to blame? That guy over there. Trump is not afraid to point fingers and he’s happy to tell people it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of specific other people AND that they are better than those other people. Just as ue blames everyone else and thinks he’s better than everyone else.

    • PugJesus
      49 months ago

      people want to have a good time! simple as that

      Watching this farce, I am just straight up not having a good time. Please tell them to cancel this.