this country is so fucking cool

  • @[email protected]
    228 months ago

    he bill, set to be introduced next month by state Sen. Dusty Deevers (R-Elgin), would prohibit consuming or producing sexual content that “lacks serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value” in any medium.

    Deevers, a Baptist pastor who was elected last year to represent a rural district that includes the tiny cities of Comanche (population under 1,400) and Elgin (about 3,700),

    So some backwater representative is proposing something that will never go anywhere. I bet stupid bills like this are proposed weekly.

      • Wytch
        88 months ago

        As is his moral stance on sexuality

    • @[email protected]
      78 months ago

      Why can’t we have random proposals for “strip billionaires naked and give 90% of their money to homeless people”?

    • @chiliedogg
      68 months ago

      They should produce a bunch of political pornography about “Dirty Dusty.”

    • @TORFdot0
      48 months ago

      I guess his congregation didn’t tithe enough to him so he wants them locked up and found that politics was a much more lucrative grift.

    • prole
      48 months ago

      Have you not been paying attention to the laws that red states have been passing for the last decade?

      Sure, it’ll probably be challenged in court, and if our judicial system isn’t complete trash, it’ll be repealed. But there’s a very real chance it gets passed.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        This is just a random proposal. It won’t even make it to a point that it needs to go to a court. He’s just some dude from a small district that has nothing to do.

        I get that American politics are weird AF right now, but shit like this is just posted to get a reaction. When ultimately it might sit on a desk for a week before it ends up in the trash.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          …I said almost the same thing about the random state abortion bans before Dobbs happened.

          Boy did I have mud on my face for that one.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Yeah, but thats comparing a controversial Supreme Court issue that’s been a hot topic for decades, to a sticks representative elected by 3000 votes filing some random shit that wont gain any traction.

            You can see these dumb ass proposals filed all over in the real rural areas. Hell, you can see them also done higher populace areas for dumb political maneuvers. They know they will fail, but they can say they tried.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              As I mentioned elsewhere, Justice Thomas wanted to overturn Ogberfell and Griswold in the discussion of Dobbs. There’s a LOT of voices wanting to backpedal on porn. Oklahoma is just small enough to make one of those happen.

              The real problem is that the wording (from the article) seems to have been vetted to survive SCOTUS. It’s almost like they’ve done more work and spent more time and money than just the one rep who brought it up.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      I can support that, I hate when they gloss over the storyline or when they’ve forgotten it by the end/don’t follow up how the sex impacted the world

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        I read this one book where this old guy saw a hooker on the road and paid her in some family heirlooms. A week later, he finds out his daughter-in-law (to his dead son) is pregnant, and he almost orders her death, but then she shows that she has the heirlooms. He was totally embarrassed and nothing else was said on the matter.