Gretchen Whitmer responds to calls by some Democrats to vote ‘uncommitted’ in Michigan’s primary on Tuesday

Gretchen Whitmer, the Michigan governor, pushed back on calls to not vote for Joe Biden over his handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict, saying on Sunday that could help Trump get re-elected.

“It’s important not to lose sight of the fact that any vote that’s not cast for Joe Biden supports a second Trump term,” she said on Sunday during an interview on CNN’s State of the Union. “A second Trump term would be devastating. Not just on fundamental rights, not just on our democracy here at home, but also when it comes to foreign policy. This was a man who promoted a Muslim ban.”

Whitmer, who is a co-chair of Biden’s 2024 campaign, also said she wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to the protest vote.

Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat who is the only Palestinian-American serving in Congress, urged Democrats last week to vote “uncommitted” in Michigan’s 27 February primary.

  • @Xanis
    7 months ago

    Think of it this way: Vote for Biden. Not because you support any war, because you support being able to harass the man for another four years. Don’t let him leaving office leave you with regrets! Meanwhile, consider also voting specifically against tyranny.

    Personally, I see a chance for change with Biden, or at least the foundations for positive change. All I see with Trump are giant steps backwards.

        • @givesomefucks
          77 months ago

          Biden is definitely confused, but he doesn’t have the spirit.

          He keeps ranting about how he wishes republicans we’re more like Nixon, Reagan, and HW Bush…

          I know you don’t have 50 years of Senate experience, but you understand they weren’t great guys with integrity…

          Right? You get that right?

          Please tell me people under 70 don’t think those three were fine now.

          I know the Overton window keeps getting dragged right by neoliberals, but have they really convinced people those three had integrity and everything was fine back then?

          • @Soulg
            -27 months ago

            They weren’t calling Biden confused, they were calling the commenter confused.

            Biden may be old but he is clearly perfectly capable of doing the job and will most likely be just as capable again.

            • @givesomefucks
              7 months ago

              Saying Biden is “perfectly capable”…

              Have you watched him speak?

              Like, he doesn’t do it often, and for good reason, but the only way someone can say what you just said without intentionally lying, is if they’re ignoring their eyes and ears and believing his staff that as soon as a camera isn’t pointed at him, Biden suddenly becomes half his age.

              If I link any recent video of Biden acting confused, you’re going to claim it’s a one time thing. No matter how many videos I link, you’ll keep claiming it only happens in every video I link.

              So how about this?

              Why don’t you help me and everyone else feel comfortable with Biden?

              Link a single video of him as president speaking for more than 3 minutes without fucking something up?

              He’s the freaking US President, if you can’t find a video 3 minutes long of him not getting confused, maybe that means he is confused all the time, the admin is hiding him, and all their claims of what he’s like is bullshit.

              Now keep in mind you’re not just saying he’s “good enough” at 81, you’re saying he’ll stay “perfectly capable” until 85.

              • @[email protected]
                -27 months ago

                Have you watched him speak?

                I have, yeah. He has a speech impediment. He’s had it his entire life. That’s not confusion.

                • @givesomefucks
                  17 months ago

                  As someone with an actual speech impediment I’ve just started blocking people who say a childhood stutter can reappear 60 years later and cause you to mix up names and just go blank, but never actually stutter.

                  I just can’t believe anyone used logic to get there.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -27 months ago

                    I can’t believe you’ve never mixed up names, gone blank, or had something re-appear in a high-stress moment of your life.

                    I cna’t believe that you can watch him from 20 years ago, and not see exactly the same kind of verbal gaffes then that he has now. But I guess if you only see what you want to see, then that’s on you.

      • @kofe
        77 months ago

        This is the best take I’ve ever heard tbh

      • @agitatedpotato
        57 months ago

        This comment has a better shot of anything else to get me to vote for him instead of abstaining the presidential and just voting down ballot. And before anyone flips their shit, I don’t live in swing state. My vote literally can not matter less.

    • @kava
      37 months ago

      I refuse to vote for someone who supports genocide. I’m conflicted about it because it helps Trump, but I simply cannot vote for Biden. Gaza is part of it, but he’s broken his promises.

      He said he would halt the border wall construction and instead expanded it and had a photo-shoot at the border. He used the same exact loopholes Trump did to deny and turn away asylum seekers at the border.

      He said he would make the Saudis a pariah state for chopping up a journalist and then he signs billion dollar arms deals.

      He makes a big deal out of Russian war crimes when 3x more civilians have died in a few months in Gaza than the entire 2 years since the war started in Ukraine.

      He went and pretended like Navanly was a hero. He met with Navanly’s family. The guy who organized and marched with neonazis in Moscow and referred to Muslims as “cockroaches” that needed to be exterminated.

      It’s such a ridiculous level of hypocrisy I cannot tolerate.

      • @Xanis
        27 months ago

        If Biden, who we know is better than Trump and whom the current also genocidal RNC cower behind, loses, what will your opinion of Trump be in four years? This is a big picture situation and I’d rather the chance to fix things with Biden in a second term. He has kept many promises and we have been able to pressure him into certain positions. Vote for Biden now in order to have a chance to fix things later. That or the RNC takes over and the U.S. heavily steps into tyranny and fascism. That’s the writing on the wall.

        One leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

        The other potentially stains your hands.

        I do understand your position. I just feel it’s a righteous stance at the wrong time.

        • @kava
          17 months ago

          i grew up as an illegal immigrant from latin america. trump’s comments against latinos (murderers, rapists, etc) and the whole xenophobic border wall thing basically caused me to write him off from the beginning

          i will never vote for trump because i can’t support a guy who pushes this type of rhetoric (and like you said, that eventually becomes policy. look at roe v wade)

          but i also cannot justify voting for biden. if we’re being honest, i still haven’t 100% decided what i’m gonna do but i’m thinking probably 3rd party unless something dramatically changes between now and november

          • @Xanis
            17 months ago

            Your ability to vote now exists because of people like Biden, even if not specifically him, dunno his entire history. Those who crossed lines to find a way. Had the current Republican party and Trump existed back then in the way they do now you and your family would not be here. That is why this is so important. It isn’t about us accepting Biden over someone else, it’s that in order to deal with Trump and take out his cronies, we must be willing to step up and work together. Once we get back this hump, we can start on reform. I feel people are finally to that point, we just need a chance to make it real.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        I get it, but a vote is not an endorsement. I didn’t want Clinton in office in 2016, and as a direct result of people like me not voting Clinton, the supreme court has been stacked conservative, and will remain so for potentially decades. We need to vote based on what the best possible outcome will be, not what outcome we wish was possible.