Hi all,

first off I’d just like to say how blown away I am by the potentials of Perchance. I bet to most of you this is baby stuff but for me this is my first step in to this world and its just incredible stuff.

So I have a question…more so to if its possible and then I’ll properly wrap my head around the coding of it.

I’m looking to create a short sequence of scenes, like a still animation. Some time the background will stay the same but the character would change pose say. Or maybe the background (say a kitchen scene as example) may change camera angle/view and the character would change position/pose. Im not looking to create frame by frame stuff. Just scene changes but retaining features through out. I totally can see it being possible to do, was just hoping to hear some advice from people that have much more experience than I do.

If any of that doesn’t make sense (most probably!) please just ask and I’ll try to better explain.



p.s. Oh I should probably state that I plan to use t2i to create the scenes, then overlay/combine character and adjust accordingly

  • allo
    17 months ago

    sounds like a great starting direction with distinct goals.

    i think it doesn’t matter if it actually works (tho it sounds both legit and doable), since you can adapt and make a ‘next best thing’ for any one part that doesn’t and some parts may even work better than you thought and with empowering nuances you don’t yet see until getting to it. aka sounds like a great path. nice getting it in a sequence and system.

    i’ve been doing a similar first push in to node.js and databases. basically pushed way far and used alot of things and got some core things running successfully on that first push. then, yesterday, stood back, went over nearly the entire system i had made when exploring, and, now understanding it, remade it in my own way to do what i want how i want.

    up to you how you learn, tho definite thumbs up to your direction and how you are getting in to it and that initial ‘info gathering in to deciding prioritizations upon clearer picture’ phase. will help when you ask

    have fun delving in :)

    • MindBlown! 🌬️🤯OP
      27 months ago

      Yeah I agree…what I’m trying to do is wrap my head around the components and then further expanding on those. In doing so new approaches/methods come in to the light. Example…earlier in my head I envisioned the ‘stacking’ of generators…that image is now evolving as I’m discovering input output formatting, advanced hierarchical lists, multiple sub listing etc etc.

      That’s great man, nice work 👍 We sound very similar in our approaches. The last few hours I’ve pulled up generators that have applicable functions and taking a good look at how they’ve been coded. Just breaking it all down and wrapping my head around it.

      Is there a way of viewing a plugins source code at all? Just I really want to look over a few and see how they’re put together. The interesting thing I’m seeing with coding is the multiple approaches for achieving the same result. Some look crisp and smooth running…some look convoluted and hard work for all involved even the AI! lol

      • VioneTM
        27 months ago

        If you mean how the AI generates the image, the code is server side. But, you can look at the code of the client side on Perchance. Go to a page, then click the ‘edit’ on the top navigation bar and it would open the code panels.

        • MindBlown! 🌬️🤯OP
          7 months ago

          Ahhh now I understand. I initially thought all plugins were like the t2i one…so with this example below, where is the ‘pose-generator-simple’ code?

          image = {import:text-to-image-plugin}
          pose = {import:pose-generator-simple}
          verb = {import:verb}

          If i paste it at the end of perchance.org in the address bar I get ‘random pose’ generator…so is {import:pose-generator-simple} using the generator at https://perchance.org/pose-generator-simple as the plugin? And therefore the html IS the code?

          • VioneTM
            27 months ago

            So, in Perchance there are two places to put codes in, the Lists Panel and the HTML Panel

            Most of the time, you ‘import’ a ‘plugin’ on the Lists Panel e.g.

            image = {import:text-to-image-plugin}

            So, to see the code of the text-to-image-plugin you go to the perchance.org/text-to-image-plugin.

            In your example, you are importing the text-to-image-plugin, pose-generator-simple and verb generators. Then to see their code, you just add those ‘names’ to the ‘perchance.org/{name}’ to see their code.

            By Default, all generators in Perchance can be imported and the imported data can be specified.

            On the text-to-image-plugin it would only output the $output(...) => which is a function, then to use it on your generator it would be [image(...)] since the output of the text-to-image-plugin is a function, and you imported it into the namespace image (image = {import:text-to-image-plugin}).

            • MindBlown! 🌬️🤯OP
              27 months ago

              Im finding your physical description v2 image generator really interesting to analyse 👍

            • MindBlown! 🌬️🤯OP
              27 months ago

              I’ve jumped on that KhanAcadamy course to help fill in blanks I’m unaware of 👍