    497 months ago

    Everything bad isn’t Russia. Exploiting bad things to benefit from it is probably Russia.

    We know Russia influenced brexit, that they own LePen and that they fund various far right groups in Europe. They’re probably trying to exploit this too.

    • teft
      207 months ago

      I wouldn’t engage with that guy. He was defending a russian plot in italy yesterday.

    • @niktemadur
      7 months ago

      It is a proven fact that for the past decade at least, russia has participated in a constant social media misinformation “divide and conquer” campaign, their troll farms have been an openly known thing since brexit and the 2016 US election.

      You see posts on twitter ‘n’ shit about Texas seceding from the US, supposedly texans talking about Texas among texans, then one of them drops a mention of the advantages of Houston being “a warm-water port”. As if anybody outside of russia, let alone a goddamned ignorant guns ‘n’ oil cowboy, would even know or care about the distinction between a near-arctic and warm-water port.

      Sometimes their soiled black fake-Adidas knickers show this way, but most often they don’t, and there they are, stoking “local, patriotic dissent”… from the other goddamned side of the world.