• @[email protected]
    221 year ago

    Fucking idiots

    The whole point of to kill a mocking bird is to teach us that racism and stereotypes are bad.

    Theyre removing it for containing stereotypes and being insensitive.

    • @[email protected]
      -211 year ago

      Divide, then Conquer. That’s the name of the game of the Left right now.

      The short is: If you want to push certain agenda’s, the first thing you need to do is divide people. The best long term success strategy for this is attacking the education system to cripple critical thinking, and critical analysis. Finally - ensure the mainstream media is entrenched in it’s place for official broadcasts and in control of the main message as much as possible: And get people to parrot the message - without consideration.

      If the above sounds familiar: It should. USSR did this. China does this. and… Trudeau’s Government does this. In many ways, it’s in part why I think Trudeau attacks alberta so bloody often. Alberta has high education results - despite being conservative voting. In other words, the narrative of Alberta being some backwards hick place falls apart when people actually examine the evidence. When you look at what the Premier of Alberta is stating: Let adults do whatever they want, but protect kids in their developing years when going through a HUGE WILD WACKY CHANGE we call puberty. Even the thing about sports: Lets figure out how to ensure Woman can be safe when competing, that Men can compete, and those who are Trans can compete - and have this be as fair as possible. But the Media and Trudeau would have you believe it’s all 100% anti LGBTQ+.

      And I could go on.

      So why would you remove things like To Kill a Mocking Bird? Because ultimately understanding that writing requries: 1. Critical thinking, 2. Critical Analysis, and 3. Mastery of language. Those three things are a huge threat to any organization attempting to push their narrative hard and fast.

      If this is going to be fixed

      Several things need to happen.

      1. An alternative learning path. This may seem insane - but, it solves two problems in one go. The first - Those who drop out for WHATEVER REASON are granted a new path to work on in their time to achieve the requisits of a Diploma. Second - It provides a foundation for students to challenge and accel in their studies.

      2. Constitutional Reform - Stop the verbatum attack on legal gun ownership which does not solve the problem, neutralize the ability to suppress rights like Freedom of Speech, Right to Protest, Etc. And in so doing stop the government from being able to make arbitrary things illegal, and require them to engage with those upset with the status quo. Seriously: Farmers and Truckers are the lifeblood of our economy - they get food where it is needed, and they grow food (respective of the relevant profession) These are people that DO NOT want to be standing around protesting, they want to be working and making money.

      3. Electoral Reform

      4. Stop the flood of immigration

      5. Build more houses

      6. Invest in infrastructure based on population, not on Political interest. It’s time we have an investment tool for this country that ignores political interests. I don’t know exactly how to make that happen - but it is needed.

      7. Clamp down on administrative overhead of post secondary institutions. And if that means we change the rules on non-profits and accreditation to be a university/college so be it.

      To Summarize

      This problem started decades ago, and we are only now seeing the consequences of actions taken starting in the 1980’s (or there about). It is going to take a monumental amount of work to fix the issue and move forward. I hope enough people see this and push back - but it is going to take action at both the Federal, and Provincial levels to force a change. And right now - the federal government is absolutely 100% on board with this kind of BS.