• @applebusch
    141 year ago

    Yeah blame the victims…

    • @Cryophilia
      341 year ago

      For making more victims? Yes. Fuck em. Being fucked over by the previous generation does not give you the right to fuck over the next generation.

      • @BluesF
        141 year ago

        The only victim of not having a retirement plan is yourself, surely. And for everything else… Genuinely what are we supposed to do? It’s impossible not to feel powerless today because despite all the efforts we go to, everything seems to be going more and more wrong with time. The far right is taking over and setting fire to the world for fuel. Alone no matter what noble actions I might take as an individual are meaningless, and even if by some miracle I manage, along with my fellow Brits, to vote in the progressive government of my dreams… Is that going to stop America’s swing to the right? Or China’s mega industrialization and carbon output?

        Look, for the sake of me and the younger people here in the UK I won’t stop trying, you aren’t wrong that we shouldn’t, but I’m also sick of people blaming the crushed and despondent people of the world for their own situation.

        • @Cryophilia
          101 year ago

          The only victim of not having a retirement plan is yourself, surely.

          The conversation is also about a) the likelihood that when (surprise surprise) the world does not end and these people have no retirement savings, they will demand public assistance funded via higher taxes on younger working people. And b) the idea of not taking action to make the world better, out of a sense of hopelessness and frankly laziness.

          It’s impossible not to feel powerless today because despite all the efforts we go to, everything seems to be going more and more wrong with time.

          Seems to be but isn’t.

          Helplessness is propaganda. You are being lied to by people who want you to feel this way.

          You can start doing your part in the easiest way possible: argue against and shut down Russian propagandists on this very site trying to convince Americans not to vote for Biden. That’s an important job if saving the world is your goal. Forums and social media are battlegrounds of ideas, and you can be a soldier in the army of truth and good.

          • @HipHoboHarold
            31 year ago

            We aren’t asking for tax payers money to take care of us in the way you’re thinking. We are asking for universal basic needs. For the young and the old. Healthcare, housing, etc. To move past capitalism. Especially since we are already seeing the issues popping up. People are already starting to work later in life to pay the bills. We are already seeing a surge in elderly homelessness. Of people not being able to pass down anything in inheritance because they have health issues and need to stay in a facility which takes everything from them.

            We aren’t waiting to say “Now that we are older take care of us”

            We are currently saying the system is broken now.

            • @Cryophilia
              21 year ago

              Sure, but that’s a slightly separate issue than the people who could save, choose not to, and then demand taxpayer money to make up the difference.

              • @HipHoboHarold
                1 year ago

                Ph yeah, no, I agree with that part. But the part about people waiting till they’re old and then demanding. That part is something we are doing now. We just want people to be taken care of in general. It shouldn’t have to be a worry for anyone of any age.

                But I do agree that those who are lucky enough to be able to save should save. Cause even if shit gets crazy, having something to help you will be better than living in an apartment with nothing. Either way it’s a win.

              • @BluesF
                11 year ago

                Who is doing this? This seems like a made up scenario. I don’t know how retirement works in the US but here everyone gets a state pension, as long as they have paid taxes for a certain number of years. It’s not much, imo it should be enough to live on regardless of the mistakes you make in your youth… I think we should all have the freedom to splash out when young and still retire, whatever the reason. I mean while, yes, the money technically comes from present day taxpayers, you paid your taxes in the past to pay for the last generation(s) of retirees… It works out.

                • @Cryophilia
                  31 year ago

                  In the US there’s a form of state pension, but it’s not enough to live on. The expectation is that you save for your own retirement.

                  • @BluesF
                    11 year ago

                    I think you can just about survive on a state pension here but, yknow, you might not make it many winters because you won’t be able to afford heating.

                • MayTheBananaBeWithYo
                  11 year ago

                  We do have Social Security that gets paid into, but it’s not a whole lot and if Republicans get their way, they will siphon the money meant for our generation in order to fund frivolous things like walls.

                • @duffman
                  11 year ago

                  Made up scenario, are you joking? I can’t even count the number of people I know personally who only care about short term satisfaction over their long term well being. There’s an epidemic of people out there buying cars they can’t afford, going on trips they can’t afford, wracking up credit card debt and living paycheck to paycheck.

                  • @BluesF
                    1 year ago

                    That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about people not saving and then specifically expecting that the state “make up the difference”.

                    My point (which I admit I didn’t make well) is that this is a false scenario because, in my experience anyway, A) you pay for your own state pension through taxes while you are working and B) everyone gets a state pension regardless of their personal pension.

                    No one is expecting more from the state specifically for them because they didn’t save enough… Are they? I’m sure that people, like me, believe the state pension should be enough to live on, but for everyone, not just those who squander their savings.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      It’s harsh but trhe correct move.

      The victims are the only ones who can change it before they turn into the villains.

      • @shneancy
        131 year ago

        I don’t particularly want to sacrifice my small luxuries like a nice dinner or better quality tea, so I can save money for when I’m old and have significantly less energy than now. And that’s on top of the negative outlook on the future. I’ve tried hard to be positive but it’s really difficult when everything is going wrong

          • littleblue✨
            1 year ago

            Says the guy typing on a phone that countless exploited workers made for a deplorably low wage. Typical.

            You think we’re different… because They need you to keep that stratification alive.

            There is no Rich v Poor, we’re all crabs in a bucket compared to the ones truly at the top, and without their intervention: this planet burns.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              To be clear the planet will be fine, if it changes it’s only it’s habitability to humans and other current lifeforms.

              The planet will recover like it always does from major celestial events, ice ages and super volcanos. Following those life will eventually come back with or without humans.

              The planet deals on far larger timescales than we can comprehend as 100 year lifeforms.

              To be clear, I’m not advocating for the deconstruction of the current ecosystem as we know it. We should reduce our impact, but I’m saying the planet will be fine regardless.

              • @BluesF
                21 year ago

                No one is concerned about the actual rock…

                • @[email protected]
                  -11 year ago

                  Objectively false statement, there are indeed people on this planet which are concerned about the state of the ecosystem and planets future.

                  • @BluesF
                    1 year ago

                    Yes. The ecosystem. Not the actual rock. Nothing is threatening the literal planet itself except the eventual growth of the sun, and maybe an asteroid we don’t know about.

                    I will admit my comment was a bit disengenuous because the previous commenter was referring to ecosystems recovering in the long term… But nonetheless I am confident that most people who want to protect the environment don’t want to just ensure that AN ecosystem exists… They want to protect the ecosystems that exist today from destruction at the hands of humans.

              • littleblue✨
                11 year ago

                No one’s arguing that point in the slightest.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  “No one’s arguing that point in the slightest.”


                  “this planet burns”

                  Both of these are your own words. Contradictory don’t you think?

                  • littleblue✨
                    01 year ago

                    So many have grown past the juvenile cherry-pick & re-stitch routine, and yet you make it your own? So noble. Pitiful, but noble in its own way.

                    Got anything else, though? Maybe something resembling original thought patterns instead?