• @Madison420
    27 months ago

    I didn’t define either word, you did. Don’t blame me because you’re not smart enough to see a trap bud.

    • @Bytemeister
      -27 months ago

      What did I blame you for? What word did I accuse you of defining? What trap did I fall for?

      • @Madison420
        27 months ago

        Nothing, never said you did I think you should probably check username though.

        Look at your last three comments to me and answer that one yourself, it’s quite obvious and if you can’t remember something you said less than a day ago I won’t hold my breath for this conversation anyway.

        The one you clearly still don’t see.

        • @Bytemeister
          -27 months ago

          Are you sure you arent @madison420

          This isn’t you, in literally your previous reply to me ~3 hrs ago?

          I didn’t define either word, you did. Don’t blame me because you’re not smart enough to see a trap bud.

          Because that is you, saying that I blamed you for something (still not sure what though, please reference). That is you, saying that I fell for a trap (which is not apparent, so please explain). So yeah. I’m pretty sure I know that I have at least 3 different conversations going on here that have fragmented off at different points. Are you having an identity issue? Maybe problems keeping your accounts straight?

          • @Madison420
            27 months ago

            I am me, correct. Seems obvious but you do you.

            Reading comprehension, get some.

            • @Bytemeister
              7 months ago

              Please, point out specifically where my reading comprehension was lacking? Is asking for specific examples with quotes too much?

              Also still missing is the “trap” that I fell in to, and the “thing” that I blamed you for. Go ahead and quote those, otherwise I’ll take Hitchen’s Razor to those claims.

              • @Madison420
                27 months ago

                Try the last several of your comments, I already said that so add that comment as well.

                I didn’t miss anything, it’s very obvious. Need I point out the color of the sky for you as well or at some point are you going to take responsibility for saying stupid trolly shit?

                • @Bytemeister
                  07 months ago

                  Right, so at this point, you have made assertions without evidence, and when asked to simply reference the evidence, you have failed make even the simplest defense of your claims.

                  Therefore, your points regarding my reading ability, blaming you for something, and that I fell into a “trap” by you can be refuted with the same evidentiary threshold.

                  If you’d like to continue this discussion, please provide direct evidence that:

                  • I have blamed you for something

                  • I have fallen for a trap

                  • there is a lack of reading comprehension on my part.

                  Further discussion without meeting these (very basic) requirements is a tacit admission that any and all of those claims are without merit, and you yourself are trolling and not providing honest discourse.

                  The ball is in your court.

                  • @Madison420
                    17 months ago

                    My evidence is the definitions you’ve provided dumb dumb, that’s the trap.

                    Again reading comprehension basil exposition, using more words doesn’t actually mean you’re saying anything of value.