“On the next episode of Deep Space Nine! Tensions rise when Miles O’Brien’s wife is possessed by a sadistic, emasculating space demon, and he can’t tell the difference.”

  • @I_Has_A_Hat
    2611 months ago

    Notice how in this episode, Miles reacts with concern for his wife. He goes along with things while desperately trying to to save the woman he loves. He constantly believes she’s in there and wants her to fight it.

    Now compare this with how Keiko acted on the episode of TNG when Miles was possessed by an alien entity. Abject fear. Disgust. Even when a part of O’Brien seems to surface when he recognizes her and is clearly struggling, she does nothing but cower and scream at him to get away from her.

    In short, more evidence that Keiko is an awful wife to O’Brien and seems to despise him.

    • @ummthatguy
      2611 months ago

      In all fairness, she also had infant Molly with her. The instinct to protect her child kinda overrides. She was still written rather coldly overall and there is no apparent chemistry when things are going relatively well. As a couple, they are great at arguing and proper credit to that aspect of both actors.

      • Flying SquidM
        1311 months ago

        The lack of chemistry is the real problem. Colm Meany and Rosalind Chao are both good actors, but for some reason they just didn’t feel like a truly loving couple. They just were never able to pull it off, which was probably fine for the single TNG episode they expected this to be relevant in when they cast Chao.

      • @[email protected]
        911 months ago

        It’s not like Molly isn’t also O’Brien’s child. The only difference between the episodes is that she’s older, but still needs protection.